The Town of the Beginning and the End

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A yawn passes through my lips as I lean against Zoro. "They'll never stop."

It's been two days since Arlong was defeated, and the villagers are still partying with outstanding energy. There is an abundance of food and alcohol, and the music never seems to stop. These people haven't been this happy in years, and it is nice to see that they can finally let it all go and be free.

"Why lean on him when you could cuddle into my side, darling," Sanji offers.

"Luffy trusts me with her, that's why," Zoro takes a sip of his beer. "Besides, she's known me longer, making us closer. Akari has become a sort of little sister for me at this point."

I goofily smile, "Aw, Zoro, that is sweet. I knew the second I saw you that you weren't the demon that people were claiming you to be, and I'm so thankful that you joined the crew."

"Luffy trusts me too," Sanji grumbles.

I toss a small sphere of chocolate into my mouth, "He trusts you to cook and kick ass, but I know how you like women."

"Hey," Luffy steps up with a bone sticking out of his mouth and his cheeks full of food. His hands are also full of meat on the bone.

"Having a good time out there eating, captain?" I chuckle, lifting my head up just enough for him to see my smile.

"Sometimes you just have to do nothing and eat as much as you can," Sanji says.

"Sanji, was there something on the melon you hard earlier?" Luffy asks.

"That's a lot of meat there," Zoro says.

"It was prosciutto, cured ham," Sanji answers Luffy.

"Melon and ham!" Luffy exclaims. "Where did you get it?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. "This place is one huge party, so it is bound to be somewhere close."

"I'll look around!" Luffy rushes off.

I giggle, "He could eat and eat and eat and never get full."

"I could do the same with booze," Zoro takes a long sip of his beer.

"I have had enough food for now," Sanji says. "However, there is always time to find a girl!" He jumps up and rushes off into the people.

I shake my head, settling back into Zoro, "He really does have a one-track mind."

"A lovesick idiot," Zoro's eyes flutter close.

"I guess it could be worse." Another yawn escapes my lips, and now I let my eyes fall closed.

A snore comes from Zoro not much later. It isn't as cute as Luffy's, but I doubt I'll even be able to fall asleep with all the noise from the partygoers. It just feels nice to be able to close my eyes and know that I can rest. That there isn't danger lurking around the corner. That we finally have a small break before heading back out to sea.

Sometime yesterday, Nami took me out shopping for some new clothes because she wanted to thank me for all I have done for her. It was fun to go to the various shops in town and dress up. We spent hours together joking around, talking about whatever our hearts desired, and buying a ton of clothes. I'm wearing one of the outfits now; a grey t-shirt with a red rose in the middle, white capri pants, and grey shoes. I also have a bow to hold my ponytail in place.

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