[ Chapter 28 : Attempted Murder ]

Start from the beginning

" We have to bring him back to Falcon Claw to recuperate " Tyson said to Dante.

" Are you crazy?, He's wounded, he can't even get up " Nicole said.

" Nicole " Dante said.

" His father is already informed and he requested to bring him back, we will fulfill his wish " a man enters with jet black hair and turquoise eyes.

Finn Alejandro.

" Your Majesty " Tyson, Valerie and I greet.

" But father, he could die on the way " Nicole said.

I take out a vial.

" We'll give him this " I said.

They turn to me.

" What is that? " Dante asked.

" It's a herb I collected, it's yarrow, it'll stop small cuts but for huge wounds it'll help to slow down the bleeding " I said.

" How are you so sure? " Nicole asked.

Dante takes it from my hand and open the lid then take a sniff. He then close it and give it back.

" We will interrogate the man behind this, right now we'll send him back " Dante said.

" I'll inform Derek after we have our answer to this new case of attempted murder " Finn said and leave the room.

" Take care of him " Dante said and leave the room with his wife.

" I'll go get some more medicine for him " Valerie said.

" I'll go with you " Tyson said, they both leave the room and close the door.

I turn to Aaron and sighed.

" You alright? " He asked weakly.

" Your asking the wrong question " I said.

I sit down on the edge of the bed next to him, I pick up a handkerchief and wipe the sweat off his forehead.

" I pushed you too hard just now " he said.

" It's just a cut, I'm fine " I look down at my bandaged hand.

He just hummed in response and turn his head to me and look at me.

" Just get some rest, we'll set out in an hour after you gain some strength " I said and open the lid of my vial.

I open his bandages slightly and apply the herb on it.

" What are you doing? " He grunted lightly.

" It's yarrow, it usually stops the bleeding for small cuts, yours is too deep, it'll just slow down the bleeding for you " I said and bandage his wound back.

Now my hand is stained with his blood. I close the vial and put it in my pocket. I wipe my hands with a clean rag.

" I'll be back " I said and pull the blanket over his body.

I stood up and walk over to my quiver, I take out the arrow Aaron was shot with. I walk out of the room, I shut the door and walk down the hallway, I turn to the left and exit the palace, I walk around until I arrive at a gazebo to see Zane sitting there Garroth.

I approach.

" Your Highnesses " I curtsy.

" Y/n " Garroth said.

" I would like to talk to you privately " I said.

" You're all dismissed " Zane said as the maid all curtsy and leave the area.

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