The Darkness Amongst the Light

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Hazel proposed to Frank. It was hilarious and cute. Frank had the ring, and he'd taken it out, but then he tripped on a trash can (probably out of pure nervousness) and then Hazel pulled him up, snatched the ring and proposed.

And their wedding was in two weeks.

In those two weeks, she spent time with her friends, of course, but she mainly spent time with Percy. And those were some of the best two weeks she'd had in a long time.

They went to the beach, got ice cream together, went crazy sometimes, had ridiculous karaoke nights with the others and he helped her forget about Luke. Mostly. Those memories she'd never get rid of, but she had moved on. And Percy had been there with her every step of the way.

-Time skip to wedding-

Frank had planned out a big thing. And they were all there, just relaxing and teasing Hazel, who was blushing so hard. They all knew that it wasn't just a wedding.

All except poor Nico. He was going to freak. And they couldn't wait. Reyna had even brought her camera to capture his expression.

After the wedding, that night, they were all there and having a great time.

That's when Jason got a call.

The turned serious. "I'm on my way."

Percy looked up, "You're going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have to. It's an armed guy." Jason said.

"Be back soon."

Jason was almost out when Annabeth cornered him. "Hey Grace, come back soon, okay? I know how much Nico means to you. You don't want to miss it." She said, grey eyes staring into the sky blue ones.

He smiled. "Percy's lucky to have you Annabeth." Jason said. "And I'll be back. Tell Percy I promised."

She sighed. "Okay then. Go do your thing."

She walked back to Percy and nudged him, "He promised he'd be back in time."

Percy smiled, " Thanks Wise Girl."

The night went on, and it was now almost midnight. Percy had accidentally thrown a cupcake on her face and Annabeth in retaliation had smacked him with a paper plate, not realising the plate had cream on it.

And it turned into a food fight worthy of a cafeteria.

Then Will came up to them. "We can't wait for Jason any more. Nico wants to leave." He said frantically.

Percy looked at the anxious Will, "Go on Will, he'll see the footage. Good luck!"

Annabeth signalled to everyone. They all gathered around a nervous Will and a very suspicious and confused Nico.

Will looked him in the eye and smiled, "Nico, you're my sunshine. You're my significant annoyance too. Marry me?" Will asked.

There couldn't have been a deeper red than the one Nico's face was when he blushed.

"Yes my significant annoyance!" He said, softly.

Will's face broke out into a grin and he kissed his boyfriend.

Hazel fangirled so hard that Frank has to calm her down.

Then Nico looked at them, smiling. "You guys had this all planned, didn't you?" He asked.

Annabeth looked beside her to see Percy's amused expression, but he wasn't there.

She turned back to see him on the phone, looking pale.
She turned and reached him just as he said, "Okay thank you Sir."

She asked, worried, "What happened Percy?"

He shook his head, "Jason was shot. They don't know if he'll make it." He said as he broke down.

I have an idea! Yay (I'll update tomorrow, maybe?)
I think one of the last few chapters... aww guys thanks for reading my book!

How was it? How evil do you think I'll get? Oh shoot, I forgot about Luke. Well, there's another chapter for you guys then...
Aah the fan art, I had to put it there... there's one Frazel at the bottom for you.
Thanks for reading!
Go check out nicodiangelo786 , and her book, it's great!

Btw if we reach 1K reads and 200 votes, I'll make the next chapter special!

Word count 674

Love you guys❤️



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