Like a Love Song on the Radio

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Well. Her brain might as well have exploded. Percy's fiancée was Drew? Drew Tanaka? The girl who cheated on her with Luke once in high school, and gods know how many times in the past few years? Did he love her? Thinking about that made Annabeth's heart ache. He wouldn't, right? Sure, he had every right to, but she was Drew. The popular. And Percy, well, he was the extremely cute , well, bullied dork. Did he know about her affair with Luke? And had she just.... spit ice cream on Percy's face? Ugh.

"Annabeth! You okay! You look like you're gonna throw up!" Percy's worried voice came from somewhere in front of her.

She managed to compose herself.
"Sorry for the ice cream." She said.

"Eh, now we're even."

She smiled. 'What a Seaweed Brain.' She thought. He didn't remember her smashing two ice creams on his face when they were seventeen.

Then he suddenly grew serious, "Why'd you look pained? Like you had to tell me something ."

Annabeth muttered under her breath. "Why can you read my expressions, Seaweed Brain?"

"What was that?" He asked, grinning.

"Percy... do you love Drew?"

He paused for a good second.

"I... I .. . Yes, I do." He said, trying to emphasise his certainty.

But she knew him well enough to see that he was lying.

She stared back at him, boring into his sea green  eyes.

"Percy. The truth. Please. It will make a difference."

"Fine. I don't. She's needy, jealous, mean and well, just awful."

"Why'd you say yes."

"Her parents, they own the apartment which my mum and Paul rented. And Estelle is still young. I want her to be safe in one place. And they told me I'd have to marry Drew cause my parents are in debt because of something my dead step-dad gambled."

"Oh Percy..." Annabeth said, as she placed her hand on his.

"Now, tell me why you choked."

"Drew's cheating on you. With Luke. Luke Castellan."

Percy grimaced, but didn't say anything. Then he managed to say, "Well, I'm stuck now. I'd do anything for Estelle."

"Percy, I can help. I just got my cheque. From a huge investor."

"Annabeth no, okay it's not fair. You worked for it, you deserve it."

"And you deserve happiness." She said, softly.

He shut his eyes, obviously thinking about her offer. Then he said, "Okay. Okay. It would be nice. Cause I seriously hate Drew."

She smiled. "Want to come over? Piper is out for a few days..." she said, half expecting the answer to be 'no'.

But Percy surprised her yet again. "Sure!" He said, his eyes sparkling like a seal.

"Great. See you after this last speech."

"I'll be waiting, Wise Girl."

When she came back, she was about to call for a taxi, when Percy said.

"Wise Girl, c'mon, Paul have me his Prius." He said, dangling the old keys in front of her face.

When they reached, they headed for her room.

Then Percy cornered her.

"Why haven't any of us heard from you in so long?" He said, holding her hand.

"Percy, look, it doesn't matter anymore." Annabeth said, shutting her eyes to try and remove those memories.

"But Wise Girl, I want to know where you've been!" He protested.

"Percy!" She said, pulling her hand away.

And Percy gasped.

"Those marks... I remember them." He whispered.

Annabeth looked. It was barely anything on her wrist, would have passed off as a normal bruise.

She eyed Percy, "What do you mean?"

"Don't lie to me Annabeth. Who did that?"

"I...I hit my hand on the coffee table..." she tried

Percy looked at her with a pained expression. "No one except Nancy Bobofit knew... it's what she bullied me about..."

"Percy, what happened?" Annabeth asked softly.

"Gabe. My dead step-dad. He used to..." Percy's voice broke.

Annabeth gasped. "Percy..." she said, as she gave him a hug.

Then he looked at her. "Wise Girl. I was young. You... who did that?"

She stared right into his sea-green eyes, with that sadness buried deep within.


Percy looked like he was going to kill someone. It was actually quite scary. He looked murderous.

"I'm guessing that's where you've lived and how you got to know about Drew?" He asked, slowly.

Annabeth nodded.

After that, nothing was said about that. They spoke, laughed, watched Finding Dori on Piper's TV, right till midnight. Then they baked blue cookies and munched on them.

"I should get going, Wise Girl. Get some rest."

"Percyyy... stayyyy." She whined.

He looked at her quizzically. "Are you drunk?"

She giggled, "A bit."

"Wiseeee Girl!" He groaned. "Are you kidding?"

"Come on. Get to bed." He ordered.

And he probably spent the night sitting next to her, but she didn't remember anything after that point.

Little did she know that Percy already knew, for once in her sleep, she muttered, not aware that Percy was still listening or the fact that she'd said it,

"I will love Percy Jackson forever."

She also didn't know, that that night, Percy Jackson had kissed her.

Okay that was longgggggggggg. And don't expect me to update anytime soon, okay? (Same reason as last time)(Gods, I can't stop complaining about it, can I?)

Thanks for reading!
I love the fan art! Viria❤️!
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Word count 912
Check out nicodiangelo786 , that book is amazing and do give a follow!

Love you guys❤️


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