Chapter One: Recalling The Past

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Disclaimer: I only own the character Marcus Andrew. All the other characters belong to Rick Riordan, the creator of Riordanverse.

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Sadie Kane woke up to the hollering of her annoyingly, impatient older brother, Carter. She is a sixteen year old magician, she currently lives in Brooklyn House, also known as the 21st Nome. She had been through a lot in the past few years. Starting with helping her father destroy a precious artifact, hosting the Egyptian goddess of magic, Isis, reawakening the sun god Ra, and defeating both Set and Apophis. Wow. She really did a lot. Now instead of relaxing on a Saturday, she was woken by the urgent voice of her older brother, who had accompanied her during the past couple years. He had hosted the Egyptian war god, Horus, and became the pharaoh of the House of Life.

"Sadie! Come quick!" She could hear his voice even through the soundproof walls of her magical room. Clearly he had been magnifying his voice.

She quickly got dressed, brushed her teeth, and grabbed a muffin from her magical cabinet. She rushed out her room, only to bump into her ex-boyfriend, Walt Stone. Walt is currently the host of Anubis, the god of funerals. Sadie has fancied Anubis since the first time she had set eyes on him, however they couldn't be together due to certain regulations that have to do with god and mortal contact. Walt was only hosting Anubis because it kept him from dying at a young age, due to his ancestor, Akhenaten's curse.

"Sorry," mumbled Walt as he rushed by. Probably heading to his room so he could pack his things and get out of Brooklyn House. Ever since their break-up Walt only stayed in Brooklyn for the summer, then he would go to Seattle, where his mother lives, and spend the rest of the year there, as a normal kid.

As she continued to follow Carter's hollering voice, she recalled the day that they broke up. They were taking a walk down Central Park down in Manhattan. Sadie had gone to the food cart to buy them some lunch, while Walt decided to look for a spot to eat. When Sadie returned from the cart, she spotted Walt, with another girl. They were sitting on a bench and they seemed to be in a deep conversation. Sadie crept closer to hear what they were saying.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but there's nothing strange about me," Walt was saying.

The girl who had choppy black hair and startling blue eyes spoke, "Yet I can sense a strange divine presence among you. Are you. . ." she lowered her voice, ". . . a halfblood?"

Walt looked surprised, "No I'm not. What's a halfblood anyway? Are you a halfblood? If you are, do all halfbloods look as beautiful as you?

By then, Sadie was tempted to jump from behind the bush and punch him. She had made him promise to never let another girl take him from her and yet here he is, flirting with one.

The girl, however, must also find that topic disturbing because she immediately stood up and started to leave.

"You know, you give off a very familiar death vibe. It reminds me of someone." She said. Then she walked away, out of the park.

Sadie emerged from behind the bush and stood in front of him. Her expression was full of betrayal. She handed Walt his hot dog and summoned a portal to Brooklyn House. When she arrived she climbed up the stairs on the side of the warehouse and ran straight to her room. Then she collapsed on her bed and started crying. She was so angry at Walt for 'cheating' on her. She then realized that their relationship hasn't been going so well anyway. She and Walt had very different ideas on how things were supposed to be, a bit too different. Walt usually spent his time alone, somewhere in the world, or Duat, that Sadie didn't know. She only saw Walt every once or twice a week, not everyday, even though they lived in the same house. She decided to break up with him. She has had enough of his antics and disappearances.

The next morning, Sadie marched to his room and banged on his door. She told him how she thought and broke up with him. Walt actually looked kind of sad about it, but, by lunchtime, he was acting way better. That was what ticked Sadie off. She portal-traveled to the nearest graveyard and raged all her anger on the poor resting souls that were buried there. Sometimes she would talk with Anubis, but only for a few minutes. Ever since her first meeting with Anubis, she had been visiting that graveyard almost every other day.

"SADIE KANE! Are you coming?" Carter yelled.

Sadie ran down to the balcony. All the residents of Brooklyn House were gathered there. Carter's face was covered with impatience.

"Okay guys, since everyone is here. I'd like to announce a few things. First, we have a new initiative, meet Marcus Andrew." A boy, about 8 years old, with messy brown hair and green eyes, shyly stepped out from behind Carter and waved his hand. "Second, we will be starting school soon, your supply lists should be in your room, and we'll go shopping tomorrow. Lastly, we will be studying about other pantheons of gods here in Brooklyn House. Also, everyone, please wish Walt a good year until he sees us again 'cause he'll be leaving for Seattle tonight."

With that, everyone said their good-byes to Walt and left for whatever they were going to do. Sadie didn't want to spend anymore time in Brooklyn House, so she traveled to the graveyard. She plugged in her headphones and listened to the playlist on her iPod. She plopped herself down on the bench under the pine tree.

Not even a minute later, she felt a rustle beside her. She looked over and almost jumped out of her seat. A dark figure had just come stumbling out of the tree. The figure solidified into a boy and Sadie knew at once who it was, or at least she thought she did.

"Well, that was some entrance, Anubis," she said, amused when the boy gave her a very confused look, with his head tilted slightly to the left.

"Sorry, but I'm not the Egyptian god of funerals," he stated.

Meeting Mythology (All Riordanverse Characters) !DISCONTINUED!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora