Inside There

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Chapter 24: Inside There

"When we get inside, don't leave my sight. Matter of fact, don't leave me."

"Okay, Kaleb."

"Whatever I drink, you drink. I eat, you eat. If I play something, you play too."

"Yes, Kaleb."

"Am I understood?" He raises an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"Can you just open the car? It's getting hot in here." Groaning, I fan out the collar of my sweater.


Hearing the click of the door, I push it out, quickly walking to the front door.

Kaleb rings the bell and the door slams open, revealing a hyper Lawson.

"Hey guys! Adeline, you made it!"

"Yes, I did." I giggle, rocking on the heels of my feet.

"Well what are you doing? Come in, come in!"

Kaleb takes a step back for me to enter and I walk inside. Before I'm able to properly look around, he drags me into the kitchen, picking up a red cup.

"Which one?" He points to the row of drinks and I look around. "You don't have a choice. Lemonade."

"What if I wanted water?" I pout, watching as he pours it out.

"It's the only one he doesn't spike."

"Oh? Fine then."


"Everybody get your asses in here!"

"No, you dumb fuck!"

"Kaleb, shut your ass up." Lawson yells back and my brother scowls, pulling me to the circle. "That's what I thought."

"What do you want?" Easton grumbles, sitting down next to Brianna.

"We're playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, guys. Sit down, sit down."

"Okay. Best friend, hold this." Lawson hands Kaleb a bottle as we sit on the floor, everybody bunched up together. "I said hold it."

"Just because you're older doesn't mean you control me. Stupid." My brother mumbles while taking the bottle and I laugh quietly.

"Ew, please don't laugh Adeline. It's not cute." Brianna scowls and I stop, playing with my fingers.

"Yeah, Adeline. So not cute." Marma adds, rolling her eyes.

Somebody sits down next to me and I look up, noticing Sasha. "I think her laugh is very cute."

"Okay, okay! Rules of the game: you spin the bottle, who ever it lands on, you have to go in the room over there with. If you don't, you get egged." My brother explains as Lawson shakes an egg carton. "Only twist, your time doesn't start until we hear a noise."

The guys in the room start laughing and my brother sets the bottle down, pointing to James. "You first."

James rolls his eyes before spinning the bottle, watching as it rotates. The bottle lands on one of the other girls in the room and she blushes, standing up.

"I don't like her though."

"Too bad. Get in there!" One of Kaleb's other friends yell and James gets up, leading the girl into the room.

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