Missing Pieces

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Chapter 14: Missing Pieces

Laying down, I throw my hands above my head, pretending to be pinned down.

James and Kaleb left to go to the park, and I was pretty sure Easton went with them.

I shift to the other side of the bed, looking into space before turning to the opposite side and doing to same thing.

"I'm bored."

My phone starts ringing at the same time and I roll my eyes, turning the volume down.

"I didn't say I wanted to talk though."

My phone stops ringing before it starts again and I ignore it once more, closing my eyes.

On the fifth call, I start to get annoyed and pick up the phone, putting it to my ear. "Oh my god, yes?"

"Answer the phone the first time I call you."

"Okay, father." I mumble, rolling my eyes as Kaleb starts talking again.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He grumbles, scoffing.

"How did you-"

"I know you by now, Adeline." Kaleb pauses and I hum to myself, still wondering why he was calling me. "Do you want to come to the park?"

"I'm not leaving the house with a sheet under my clothes, Kale." I joke, waiting for his response.

"You didn't get the padding back? Bet, tell me who took it, if you aren't coming." My brother threatens and I sit up quickly.

"I'll go. Let me just figure something out."

"That's what I thought. You need to get out of the house more. Such a couch potato."

I roll my eyes again while walking into the closet, looking for something to wear.

"I'll be a couch potato if I want to be. Leave me alone."



"He's such a fucking simp."

James rolls his eyes as he continues to wave at me, turning his head slightly to the group.

"Hi, guys."

"Hey, Fatty Addy." I hear two people say in unison. Looking to the benches, Brianna and her boyfriend were here.

"I can't believe you actually came." James laughs, taking his earbuds out to talk to me.

"This is guy is crazy." One of my brother's friends states, causing James to step closer to him.

James hit the guy's chest lightly as he speaks in his ear. "I could make her come in another way."

I don't think I was supposed to hear that as the two of them start laughing and I scratch my head, looking around for my brother.

Kaleb was in the middle of a basketball game, cursing to himself before he made a basket.

"I'm here, Kaleb." I wave to him, trying to get his attention.

"I see that." My brother laughs before going back to his game, handing the girl the ball.

"Hi Sasha."

Walking over to them, she spins around to acknowledge me, smiling widely.

"Adeline! It's been a while."

Engulfing me in a hug, Sasha kisses my cheek before throwing the ball up, listening as it goes through the hoop.

"How the hell-" Kaleb curses, his eyes widening as he looks between the net and Sasha.

"I have my ways." She laughs while taking the bow out of her hair, handing it to me. "I was going to give your brother it to bring home for you, but you're here now."

"Oh, thank you." I smile, tying the bow at the front of my ponytail.

"You look awfully cute." Sasha nods in content before turning back to my brother, stealing the ball from him.

"You bitch!" He cries out, jogging behind her.

"That's how the game is played, Kaleb."

Shaking my head at them, I walk away again, accidentally bumping into Easton.

"Oh, sorry."

"Watch where you're going."


"No. It's vanilla."

"I like chocolate more."

"Depends. Dark chocolate is nasty." I giggle, breaking another piece of chocolate off the bar.

"White chocolate. That's amazing." Easton laughs, looking over at me.

My brother's friends, Brianna, and I were sitting at a table in the park, surprisingly not getting on anyone's nerves.

Well except for Ms. Brianna.

She kept scowling at me every time her boyfriend laughed, inching closer to him.

"Adeline, you shouldn't be eating that sugar." She waves her hand around, talking with food in her mouth. "It'll make you fatter."

"Do you want to say that again?" My brother holds his hands down on the edge, getting ready to stand up.

"Sit down, Kaleb. You can't hit girls." Sasha pulls him back down, making Kaleb roll his eyes.

"He knows it's true though." Brianna laughs while everyone else remains silently, tension slowly rising. "Right, Easton?"

Easton holds his head down, raising as eyebrow in the process. "Yeah."

My brother scoffs before he starts laughing, looking as if he was about to murder someone.


"Yeah, Addy?"

Sighing, I stand up to walk over to my brother, bending over to whisper in his ear. "Can we go home now? Before she-"

"Say no more. We're leaving."

Kaleb stands up, pulling me behind him as we walk out the park. Sasha and James follow behind us, struggling to catch up once Kaleb starts speed walking.

"Wait for us!"

My brother continues to pull me and I start jogging, my short legs making the journey difficult.

"Wait for me too."

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