10. "I would like to see my mother"

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Quinn and jay sat around under a tree. Anyone would think they were a couple. They didn't know what they were. All they knew what that they liked eachother and that they cared for eachother more than anyone else. This was love, they just didn't know it yet. They were alone, none on their friends with them, making it look even more like they were a couple. Their classes were done for the day, Evie was dressmaking, Mal was with ben and Carlos was...somewhere. "Jay?" She asks, her head laying on his knees. "Hmm?" He replies. "Do you ever miss the isle?" She asks. "What? No" he scoffs. Why would he miss being ordered around by his dad? "Oh" she sighed. "You miss it don't you?" Jay knew her too well. "I don't miss the isle as much, I miss the people, some of them anyways" she says. "You miss Chelsea" He states. "What...no" she lies. Jay scoffs .He knew her. He knew who her best friend was, as much as she denied it.  "Don't you have tourney now?" She says, her eyes travelling to the field. "Oh god yeah" he says. She giggles and sits up so he can run off. "Bye hearts" he calls, speeding off. "Bye" she giggles, still missing her best friend. 

An idea pops into her head. And as it does, someone appears in front of her. "Charlie! Gosh!" she exclaims as he scares her. "oops" he says, giving her the infamous Cheshire Cat grin. She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Where you off to?" he asks, walking along with her. "To speak to ben regarding your dear sister" she smiles. "Interesting" he says. Quinn gives him a small wave as she disappears into the crowd. 

"Charlie! Where did Quinn go?" Ally comes up to him. "If you'd really like to know, she went that way" Charlie doesn't point, he just looks left to right. "She did?" Ally questions. "She did what?" Charlie smirks. "Go that way" Ally says, confused. "Maybe" and with that, he disappears, Like father like son.  "Curious" Ally mutters. "Curious indeed darling" Matty says, who watched their whole interaction in amusement. Ally rolls her eyes at the boy. "Where did Charlie go?" She asks. "He went" Matty starts and spins around "There" he points and sure enough he appeared. Charlie gave ally a smile and wandered up to the pair. Matty and him highfived before walking off together. Ally shakes her head in amusement. She too saw the flirting between the boys, just didn't bring it up much like piper and Quinn. "Ally! Have you seen piper?" William appears at her side, seeming to be in a rush. "No-" she just about said before he sped off. "I'm late!" was all he called. Ally laughed, everyone really was similar to their parent in on way or another. 

Quinn arrives at bens office and softly knocks on the door. "Come in" ben calls. "Hey" Quinn comes in. "Quinn! What can I do for you?" He says. Him and Quinn had discussed working together to make the isle a better place. "I have two requests" she says shyly. "sure" he gestures for her to sit. "You know Charlie Cat?" She starts. Ben nods. "His sister, she's stuck on the isle, shes my best... my best friend and she deserves a chance here, like us all" She smiles. "Her name?" Ben asks, getting some paper out. "Chelsea...Chelsea cat" Quinn grins. "I will try to get to it" He smiles. "And the second?" he asks. "I would like to see my mother" That request made bens eyes widen. He remembered this girl was her daughter, she would be just fine. "Very well, follow me" Ben smiles.

Hesitantly, Quinn approaches her mother. "Hi mom" she smiles. "Quinn!" The queen of hearts' eyes lit up. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, i..I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just doing maleficent orders" the queen sighed. Quinn saw true emotion in her mothers eyes. "She said she'd hurt you If I didn't" She trails off. Quinn nods and walks closer. "Do you...do you really not think jay and I will last?" she asks, despite the fact she isn't even jays girlfriend yet. The queen smiles, a true smile. "No I don't, in fact that very day you met, I knew" she said. "really, how?" Quinn remembers it as if it was yesterday. "The way you looked at him, the way he looked at you, you had heart eyes" She explained. Quinn giggled. Her mother didnt deserve this. She was just doing what an evil lunatic wanted her to. "I have to go, i'll come back and see you soon okay?" Quinn smiled. The queens smile fell but she nodded. 

"Ben?" she walked back into his office. Ben lifted his head. "I know i've asked for alot but...do you think you could send my mother back to the isle?" Quinn asks. Ben looked at her in shock. "I'll..i'll have to discuss with FG but I think we can arrange that" he smiles. This girl really did have a huge heart. "Thank you" she smiled, walking towards the door. "My pleasure" Ben smiled. He was happy to do little things that made others happy. 

Elated, Quinn wandered back to her room. "Quinn!" Ally got her attention. "Oh hey al" The blonde smiled. "Where did you go before, Charlie was no help, then Matty and Charlie together.. ugh" Ally laughs. "Oh I went to see ben" Quinn shrugs. "Why?" Ally was a very curious girl. "About bringing Chelsea over, and getting my mother taken back to the isle, or maybe even wonderland" Quinn explains. "Oh, you think they'll take her to wonderland?" Ally asks another question. "Maybe, I dont know if your mother would like it but" Quinn shrugs. "My mother would probably try to make friends, they'd only allow her back if she's good right?" Ally says. "Thats true" Quinn smiles. The girls wander down the corridor until Quinn spotted a frantic Evie. "I'll catch up with you yeah?" Quinn smiles. "okay" ally says, before walking off as Quinn approached Evie. She was clutching two notes and what looked like mals ring. "Woah woah woah, E, you look bit....frazzled...You okay?" the princess smiled. Evie turned to her friend with wide eyes. Quinn was concerned, In their 13 years of friendship, Evie has never ever looked this panicked or worried. "Mals gone back to the isle"

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