Chapter 38

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A/N: OMG!!! I feel like I didn't update for a long time!! It was literally a day or two? But still!!



Calum's (POV)

I woke up with a sensation that I have never felt in my life before. I turned around so I was face down on my bed and it felt so good down in my man parts. What's happening?! I've never felt this way before, I feel like I want to touch my penis and just relieve myself but I don't know how and I don't want to do it myself. I've never felt this way before but strangely I feel like I know what to do.

I looked around the room that I was in and it looked like the room back at the other place. The room was all metal and some cabinets. I got up the bed again, strange that I wasn't locked in. I saw another person, Michael, on a different one but he was locked up with handcuffs and straps, it seemed like? I don't want to do this but I want to get rid of the hardness of my penis. I got on top of him and started to circle my hips around his clothes man parts and I heard him moan. It motivated me to do it more and he started to wake up.

"Cal-lum." He moaned again. I moaned as well because of the friction.

"No Calum stop." He said trying to push me off but realized he couldn't.

"Calum No Seriously." Michael moaned.

"It doesn't seem you want me to stop." I smirked slowing my hips.

"I do, you woke up horny Cal, that's what the scientist wants to breed with me." He gasped out.

"But if I'm horny then what am I suppose to do with this?" I asked blushing pointing to my, I think Boner?

"Go deal with it yourself." He groaned because I began to palm him.

"It seems like you have you one as well." I smiled looking down.

"Just stop Calum, I don't want to do this." He moaned.

"It's getting me hornier, just looking at you strapped and in no control what so ever." I smirked again and started to unzip his pants.

"Calum you're doing what Bethany did to you and your Aunt." Michael growled. I stopped and remembered that they raped me. How did I not realize this? How did I not remember until now?

"You're right Michael, I'm sorry but I didn't strap you or handcuffed you." I said and got off. I began to unstrap him but it couldn't take off the handcuffs.

"Michael you're gonna have to stay there I don't have a key or anything." I shrugged. He nodded and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked furrowing him eyebrows.

"A few minutes ago when you were doing what you were doing, you said you hate dogs but you were about to have sex with one." He laughed. I blushed and walked away from him.

"Well I was what you called horny and you were the only one in here and I didn't want to do it myself." I blushed and sat on my bed.

"I'm just to irresistible." He smiled. I hissed silently. Why do dogs have to tease cats? I mean I don't think we are different but when they do that it's so annoying.

"Don't talk to me anymore Michael." I told him.

"What? Why? We were ok a minute ago." He said looking at me.

"Because I don't like you, I hate you and then you're talking to me like you never did anything to me." I said getting up and crawled around again to check if it worked.

"That's because I never did anything Cal, what I did do was save you from everything back then. When I found you next to the restroom I saw something in you that I wanted to know and we became friends. You were more close to me then Luke or Ashton." He sighed. I crawled around a bit more and it was happening I began to see paws where my hands were suppose to be. I felt myself getting small and then my back legs getting small as well.

"Oh God Cal! You changed!" Michael exclaimed. I felt around through my clothes to get out and meowed. I don't think I can actually talk.

"Aww you're so cute! You're white with brown fur that's so adorable!" He exclaimed smiling. I hissed at him because now that I'm in my cat nature I can smell dogs and hate them even more. I meowed like I got hurt and the scientist came in.

"Well you didn't breed but you changed into your cat nature! That's really good! Now I can change Michael into a dog as well because now I know that it works." He smiled. I hissed and I felt all my fur going up as well.

"Don't hiss at me Thomas, just for that I'll change Michael more faster into an actual dog." He laughed. I jumped on Michael's bed and on him. I sat on too of him and shook my head no.

"Ow!" Michael exclaimed. My claws were extracted, whoops.

"Get off of him Thomas, you're like protecting him now. What happened to the Thomas that I known before." He said angry. I meowed sadly because it was true.

"It's like you changed to the pathetic low life Calum you always wanted to get rid of. You just never got rid of him." He shook his head in disappointment. I hissed at him again, I don't care! Michael came into this and now I have a feeling to protect him and I don't know why?!? I hate him so much but I don't know.

"Thomas get off of him or I'll get rid of his memories!" He exclaimed in pure anger. I meowed loudly and slid on his chest meaning I wanted attention and that I'm sorry. I got off of him and jumped on the counter first then the highest cabinet. I meowed in victory and I was jumping slightly because I was happy.

"Are you serious Thomas! Get down from there!" The scientist exclaimed in pure anger now. I didn't comply and I laid down back first and stretched.

"Fine stay there as long as you want, I'll just take Michael here." He smirked and started to handcuff him. Michael struggled from his grip but the scientist again gave him a shot to make him sleep. I jumped down from the cabinet without him noticing and got under the wheel chair where the scientist was putting Michael.

"This will show him." The scientist whispered and started to walk out with Michael and I. What will he do? If he's gonna get rid of Michaels memories, I'm gonna scratch him and literally kill him to death. But now that I'm in my cat form, can I actually do it like I did when I was in my human form? The scientist stopped out of the room and walked inside. He literally dropped Michael inside and I quickly hid inside Michaels shirt. I'm guessing I'm a little cat that don't grow but they age.

I peeked out of Michaels shirt and I remember this room. It was a pillowed room that I used to scratch because the torture I couldn't take of what the scientist did. He would've put on sounds that I hated, gas that made me hallucinate and the worst of all, the sensation of waiting and waiting for a long time on what he was gonna do next that I just went crazy and mad in the head so I started to scratch the walls because of it. Will he do the same with Michael?

A/N: OMG! I just wanted to thank you for theses many reads!! I'll update in a little while because I gotta do homework and I fell asleep when I got home from school.


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