Chapter 20

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A/N: I really love the picture up there and I know there's another one too but with all the photos I have I couldn't find it!!! And Luke and Michael were suppose to be the other half too and ugh!! My photo stream is really messed up I can't seem to find the pictures!!



Michaels (POV)

I got to the place where the interview is suppose to be at and fans were there of course so I took pictures with them and that took about like 5 minutes and I saw from the window that Luke and Ashton were barely sitting down. I hurriedly took pictures and ran inside when a producer stopped me.

"You are a member of 5 Seconds Of Summer?" He asked. I nodded and he lead me to where Luke and Ashton were sat.

"You came barely on time, we are on commercials let me just put your microphone on." He said and set it up on me. He sat me down next to Ashton and Luke.

"Where's Calum?" I whispered.

"Louis didn't pick up his phone and we didn't really have much time to leave a text because they took our phones away and told us to sit on the couch." Luke hurriedly whispered and Ashton nodded. I'm so disappointed on Calum.

"Ok and we are back with 5 Seconds Of Summer, my name is Natalie and so on with the interview." She smiled.

"So boys how did you like your first concert on tour with One Direction?"

Calum's (POV)

Louis took me to a little fair that London was having and we were having so much fun. Yeah some fans took pictures with us but there wasn't a lot who noticed because it's like morning.

"Louis! Le-ets ri-ide that one!" I exclaimed happy. He smiled and there wasn't people waiting. Louis told me that fairs have roller coasters and feria wheels and they're all called rides so I've just pointed to rides and we've got on pretty much all of them. So back to the ride we are on it's a roller coaster. Louis was screaming the whole time and I was laughing. It was fun the drops are fun for me. We got off and Louis was laughing at the picture it took.

"Look at my face!" He laughed. It was funny his mouth was wide open and his eyes big as well. I laughed along, I was laughing in the picture so it didn't look bad. He bought the picture so me and him have one and I'm glad I have a friend like Louis.

"Did you have fun?" He smiled, we were leaving sadly.

"Yeah thank you Louis!" I exclaimed happily that he took me here.

"I wou-uld-dnt have ne-ever know-wn wh-hat this was." I smiled.

"Glad I can teach you something but let's go eat and we'll go to the venue yeah?" He asked and parked at McDonald's. I nodded remembering about this place.

"Have you been here?" He asked.

"Yeah, I had chi-ick-ken nu-ugg-ets?" I said. I forget what they're called.

"Yeah chicken nuggets, I'll have the same." He smiled and told the person. We waited on the order and talked about the concerts and fans we've met. He picked up the order and I got water reminding myself what happened last time with the soda.

"Why didn't you get soda?" Louis asked.

"Be-ec-cau-use I got hy-ype-er." I told him and he nodded.

"But how do you get hyper on soda?" Louis asked but I guess to himself because I shrugged and he didn't notice it. We ate in silence but it was an ok silence and it was peaceful. We were almost done with our food when I heard a scream probably not to far away. I looked at Louis if he heard it but it didn't look like he did. I turned around and nobody seemed to hear it.

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