Chapter 22

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A/N: Whoop whoop I'm back and I don't feel a whole lot great. They still haven't said anything about the results and I'm very scared so now that I have a bit more energy I can write another chapter! Thank You For The Comments!!!! I Will Try To Get Better, You Know Who You Are!!



Ashton's (POV)

We are on our way back to the venue and the concert is literally 10 minutes and we are not even there yet. I hope the fans don't get mad that we are late. Michael suggested we go eat at Nandos and it was like 30 minutes away from the venue. Luke and I were stupid to listen to him. There's a bit of traffic as well I just don't know what to do.

"Ashton calm down everything's gonna be ok!" Michael exclaimed.

"Michael not right now, you're the reason we are in this situation. Please don't talk." I sighed. He stayed quiet knowing it is his fault.

"We are almost there Ash only a couple of minutes away." Luke said.

"Yeah but don't you see the traffic!" I exclaimed. He huffed out and sat me in the chair properly and buckled me in. I was literally looking out the window my whole body towards it do he did what he did.

"Now shut the fuck up and open twitter or something!" He blew up and I was in shock. So was Michael.

"You've never blew up like that Luke." Michael whispered.

"Well Ashton was annoying me and all I want to do is play the concert, see if Calum is ok, call my mom and go to sleep." He sighed. Oh he's probably homesick, I get it I mean I an too and we've been on tour for a couple of days. I sighed as well but didn't say anything I opened up twitter and scrolled through.

Calum's (POV)

I woke up 20 minutes ago and I'm here by the door watching if Ashton, Luke and Michael get here. The concert starts in 5 minutes and I don't see anyone, I'm currently wrapped in a blanket so I don't think I can go up there and do something. A person with a microphone comes up to me and tells me to go up on stage. Can he not tell that I am sick right now. He dragged me and pushed me on stage and the fans screamed which hurt my ears.

"Hi." I said into the microphone trying to have my blanket still wrapped around me.

"Um I'm si-ic-ck and I do-on-nt kn-no-ow wh-he-er-e Ash,Luke and Mike are." I told them. They awwed at me so does that mean they're flirting with me??

"So wh-ha-at do you wa-an-nt to do?" I smiled. They laughed and they shouted out to sing.

"Wh-ha-at do you wa-an-nt me to sing?" I asked getting nervous, I don't know many songs. A lot were telling me to make something up.

"Um let me th-hin-nk of so-om-meth-hing." I said. I thought about the fans and my whole life

"You all look so bea-aut-tiful
No one but me knows you're in-nsa-ne
I feel so pat-thet-tic
My fri-ien-nds just don't get it" I said I mean I don't know how to sing without music. This is my first time even doing this.

"Ca-au-se yo-ou've got me un-nd-er oath
Be-efo-re you I was in a rut
One day you are in the past
That ni-ig-ght I ask you back." I said and a lot of awws came from the fans. Well I'm talking about them and I don't think they know it.

"It sta-art-ed out just har-rmle-ess fun
Now you've got me th-hin-nki-ng you are the one." I said now just think about Ashton, Luke as Michael but then back to the fans.

"Ca-au-se if you wanna take me home
You know I'm re-ea-dy to le-ea-ve
You've got me under your spe-ell
Ple-ea-ase don't set me free." I said and I thought about our songs as well and I added in some words to them and I don't know how I'm doing this but the fans are smiling.

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