Chapter 10

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A/N: The picture up there is literally me all the time at school, trying to understand all the bitches, hoes and whores. Lol JK but if you went to my school you'll understand!



Calum's POV

"The hell is wrong with you I'm not mean!" Louis exclaimed.

"You've been ac-cti-ing mean since you've go-ot he-er-re!" I exclaimed.


"How do you know?! You don't kn-now me!" I exclaimed frustrated. I'm keeping so hard not to scratch his eyes out. I sensed I'm going into my cat senses actually.

"You're weird! You're probably only with them for the fame!" Louis exclaimed angrily.

"What do you not un-nde-er-rst-and?! I don't know any-yth-hin-ng about them not-th-ing! I don't know why gir-rls come up to me e-eit-ther!" I told him breathing in and out. That is the only method I felt like worked when I was at my parents and they made me angry.

"You're just saying that and stop with the stutter and the pronunciation and shit, I know you're only doing that on purpose." Louis sneered. I shouted and pinned him on the ground and hissed at him showing my cat teeth so turning to my cat self.

"NOW DO YOU UND-DE-ER-STA-AND!!" I shouted getting in his face and everything. I was about to scratch him when I realized this isn't me, this was my old me, the new me is nice and calm. What am I doing? I got off of him and he cowered to a corner. I do feel bad that I did that but I didn't scratch him or anything.

"So you're a cat?" Louis sniffed a little.

"Yes but on-nl-ly you know, don't go tel-lin-ng any-yb-bo-dy ple-ea-se." I said and sat near him.

"So do you get like this all the time? Like a cat would do?" He asked.

"Not all the time, it's just you made me a lot ang-gr-ry." I told him.

"So where the white and light brown is are those your cat ears?" He asked looking up at my head. I nodded and stared at him.

"Can I feel them?" He asked. I hastily nodded and he put his hand on my head where my cat ears are and he rubbed them. I slightly purred in his touch and he petted them and rubbed them more softly. He took his hand off my head and stared at me.

"Louis ple-ea-aske don't tell, Mich-hea-al, Luke and As-sht-ton probably hate me." I frowned.

"Ok Calum, just between you and me. Calum I'm sorry I was mean to you, at first it was a joke then it was what you're reaction would be but I took it to far and I'm sorry." He said.

"It's ok and sorr-ry for calling you Lew-wis and pi-inn-ing you on the gro-ou-und." I apologized.

"It's fine, and don't say it again." Louis smiled.

"Lo-ou-is are my eyes br-ow-wn?" I asked.

"No." Louis shook his head. I groaned and closed my eyes quickly to get them to their original form. I had them closed for 5 minutes and opened them.

"Oh you're eyes are back to normal." Louis told me.

"Ok, what ar-e we go-oi-ing to do?" I asked tilting my head.

"Do you just want to leave together and not do each other's laundry because we left together. I'm hungry and I'm guessing you are too." Louis smiled because in the middle of his sentence my stomach growled. I smiled and nodded. So we left together and got in a car, Louis knew how to drive and I was grateful.

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