Chapter 25

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A/N: Aww I wish I had a Calum and a Luke and a Michael and a Ashton! Ok peeps I'm updating because I'm bored AF! Finally I can eat ice cream they didn't want to give me any until I was all done with my check up and well now I can whoop whoop I'm eating Ice Cream!!




Michaels (POV)

"Can you believe Calum got a girlfriend before us?" I shook my head smiling.

"Well no but at least he does, with all that's happened with him at least he can like someone." Ashton shrugged.

"Yeah Mike you're jealous!" Luke exclaimed.

"No I'm not! It's just he doesn't know much things and what if he gets pressured into something he doesn't want to do. We don't even know the girl and she's dating our friend." I told them.

"That's true, do you think we should talk to her?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah at least get the basics out of the way." I said and got up.

"You guys go I already know how she works. I'll tell you when you come back and tell me what she says when you come back." Luke smiled and stayed with Calum. Calum was literally cuddling his side and it looked cute. I guess Luke didn't want to wake him up. We walked around trying to look for her and she was in the little seats marked flight attendants, I guess she's on her break.

"Hi." I said and Ashton waved.

"Oh Hi do you need anything?" She asked looking up from her phone.

"No we just wanted to talk I mean you're dating our friend and all." Ashton smiled sitting next to her. I sat on the other side of her and she smiled.

"Oh he already told you?" She smiled.

"Well yeah because we noticed something on his neck and he told us." I replied. She turned pink and looked at her lap.

"My name is Michael and that's Ashton." I said giving her hand out to shake.

"My names Bethany nice to meet you both." She smiled and shook our hands.

"So where do you come from? You have a weird accent." Ashton smiled.

"I'm from Australia but I moved to London and I have this house in LA I'm gonna stay in a couple of days." She told us.

"You're gonna be in LA?" I asked. She nodded.

"If you want, you can come to our show! We are the opening show for One Direction so if you want you can come. I have an extra ticket so I'll be back." Ashton said and walked back to his seat.

"So how do you feel about Calum?" I asked. She turned pink again.

"Well when I first saw him I couldn't believe my eyes he was so cute and when I met his eyes I knew it was love at first sight because he gave me that look like I did. I think he feels the same way." She smiled. That's weird though Calum said she didn't like her? Maybe he was neglecting it.

"Well I'm glad you both feel that way." I smiled and Ashton came back. He gave her the ticket and she thanked us.

"Do you have any siblings?" Ashton asked sitting beside her.

"One and he's an older brother, his name is James." She said.

"Oh how old is he?" I asked.

"He's nineteen and he's living in LA with these other lads he met." She nodded.

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