Chapter 37

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A/N: (Translation: You are stupid)

I did not get feedback so I'm just gonna update! It's fine if I didn't get feedback because the reads I get are good as it is so thank you!! THANK YOU FOR READING!!!



Louis (POV)

"Ok let's call the police, it's been another hour." I sighed and Ashton pulled out his phone.

"Mate it's ok, we'll have our normal Calum back. Maybe he's been in there for to long that he's forgotten about us or something." Luke shrugged.

"Yeah you're probably right or the scientists made him forget about us." I added nodding my head.

"They said they'll be here in ten minutes. It's stupid really how this is close to the police station and they haven't looked in here." Ashton said. We started to hear sirens from afar and we made sure no one escaped. The police were close now and no one has come out yet so I guess they'll just hand them over and set.

"Wow what's that!" Liam exclaimed. I squinted and I saw red hair.

"THAT'S MICHAEL HURRY!" I exclaimed. It looked like they were getting in a car from the back and escaping. The police heard us and started to run as well but we were so late and they drove off. What have I done?!

Calum's (POV)

"Get in or I'll shoot you." The scientist said to Michael. I was already in the car waking up from the punch the scientist gave me.

"Why can't you let him go? I'm all you need." I puffed out hating the idea he's coming along now.

"Now I need both of you and this little piece of crap knows everything about me. He can go tell the police." He said and shoved Michael inside the car and locking the door with the child lock, a thing I've gotten used to.

"You know, all you need to do is breed and you'll be free." He drove off and spoke.

"You're a disgusting shit! How the hell am I gonna breed with him, if all you need is sperm I'll give you some!" I exclaimed.

"Well aren't you getting smart." The scientist laughed. Michael is awfully quiet. He was never quiet when he was laughing in my face and saying stuff about me so why is he quiet now?

"Hey mutt why are you quiet?" I asked looking at him.

"I have a name and you know it perfectly fine." He growled.

"Come and bite me." I laughed knowing he has no k-nine teeth.

"Calum why are you like this? You're so rude and mean. You're not innocent anymore, it's like the Calum I met just vanished into thin air." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"That was a cover up, this is the real me, I told you before!" I exclaimed.

"No this isn't you! Louis told us everything, you always avoided this side of you because you hated it. Your mum and dad would always say hurtful things and abuse you. You'd always scratch them when they did and you never wanted to do it. You'd never wanted to be mean to fans so you'd take pictures with them." Michael told me.

"Fans? What fans? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What have you done with him!?" Michael exclaimed to the scientist and all he did was laugh.

"Many many things, so don't even try to make him remember because he'll never get those pathetic memories back." The scientist told him.

"You're gonna lose them to so enjoy your memories while it lasts." He smiled.

"Calum, you have to come back to reality. You're not like this you never were. Whatever you have in your mind about me, Ashton, Luke and Louis are so not true. We are sorry to whatever you have in your memories. We never wanted this to happen ever, we looked for you two years that you've been gone. We almost threw our whole career just to find you." He cried.

"Micha-" I began to say.

"No Thomas, he's lying. Just remember how he would taunt you and be mean to you back in those days he found you. When he found you, he started to laugh at you because where you were sleeping. He's lying don't listen to him." The scientist said and he injected Michael with something on his leg.

"CalPal I love you." He whispered but I caught it and his eyes fluttered shut. Why does that name seem familiar to me? Whatever! Everything the scientist said is true. He did laugh at me when I was sleeping next to the men's restroom. He's laughed at me for everything I did and as for Luke, Ashton and Louis I still want them dead when I see them. Like I said before they did exactly what my parents did.

I remembered Louis pushing me into a closet and saying how I'm a mistake and a disappointment everything and then he beat me till I blacked out. Basically all of them did the same thing. I just can't believe Michael will say that all of my memories were fake if I clearly remember why is he lying to me? Isn't it clear what he's done to me hurt and now he's doing it again. To top it all off he's an ugly dog. A mistake of a wolf or something, I really hate dogs!

The scientist injected me too but with something else it wasn't to go to sleep but my life flashed before my eyes. All the terrible ones about Michael, Luke, Ashton, and Louis, I began to cry remembering them it's torture! I really hate looking back to them but now there was a new one. I saw when Louis visited the police station and he came to where I was and laughed at me crying inside the jail cell. Every single fucking time they'll laugh at me but why?!

I don't understand why they'd had to be so mean to me and then Michael comes and says they've been looking for me? Yeah right, they probably walked by where I was and came inside thinking it was abandoned and saw me in there. What I don't get is why Michael didn't laugh at me when he found me like this? Why is he doing all of this?! Acting nice and saying I love you to me!? Is he telling the truth or is he the one acting?

"Thomas you have to forget about whatever you hold against Michael, Luke, Ashton and Louis even if they put you through hell like your parents did. Just breed with Michael and you'll be gone I promise." The scientist said. He never promises anything. He'll say ok I'll stop for now but never I promise.

"Are you serious or are you being the coward you're always are?" I asked.

"I'm dead serious because if you breed together then I will have you're sperm inside him and he'll probably change into a cat but still half dog. So if you do it then you'll be set free, just not him." He said parking outside a private airplane.

"Ok in one condition." I told him.

"And what is that?" He asked smiling getting Michael and throwing him on his back.

"You don't erase his memories ever." I said.

"If that's all you want, ok but you better not believe him is he says the things he said back there." He scolded.

"Ok I won't, you better not erase them." I told him too.

"Yeah yeah." He waved me off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"LA." He smiled. Why did that sound familiar also? I walked up the stairs behind the scientist and made a run for it. He literally threw Michael somewhere that I did not see and he caught me in no time. These handcuffs! They make you slower and you can't go anywhere.

"One more stunt like that Thomas, I'll force you into breeding everyday for the rest of your life." He threatened and pushed me on the ground. I started to walk but I felt a dart in my leg I hissed in pain and fell. I started to have like some sort of seizure and I blacked out because of all the pain.


A/N: Alrighty then!! Here it is and I'll update later tonight because I have homework to do! Why must we go back to school?!!? Why couldn't I go to the hospital this week instead of thanksgiving break?!?!


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