Jimin POV: 2

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(After the Epilogue)

Thank you for getting this story to #4 on yoonseok and #8 on sope ❤️

Anyways, I'm proud of this chapter so leave a vote :D


7 Years Later

A man sat in front of two peaceful graves.

Finding himself back in the same spot he promised he would visit three years ago didn't seem to lessen the pain— only helping it resurface from it's long hiding.

A death of a loved one was funny in a sense.

A mockery to experience.

You already lost a person you held dearly to your heart and if that wasn't bad enough, you still had to deal with that numbing pain that clung to you. Everywhere you go, it was always in the back of your mind and would stay there until the day you die.

Unluckily for him, he lost two loved ones, bringing him excruciating heartache during the nights he'd spend staring at the ceiling of his shared dormitory. It didn't help that he had to share a room with a complete stranger for four years when it could've been one of his best friends.

"It's been a while." The twenty-four-year-old smiled sadly.

The summer before uni, Park Jimin thought about his own future. It's obvious he had to adjust some of his plans after the tragic events that happened in his life.

Actually, he had to adjust them a few times.

His original plan was to take a year-long break after graduation with Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi to travel— especially after Min Doori's death which impacted all three of their lives tremendously. But after his brown-eyed friend took his own life, his main focus was taking care of his ex. Yoongi wouldn't have been able to go to college in his state of mind, leading the male to make the decision of using his break to stay by his friend's side... until his friend left his side first.

At that point, there was no use of delaying his studies. That summer, he made the final decision of moving into a dorm and leaving everything behind. With the losses he had to endure through the same way, it was no surprise that he chose to major in psychology.

"So much has changed since the day I graduated high school and visited you two." He huffed, running his hand through his dark locks. His pink hair had been gone for seven years now, the male redyeing his hair back to it's natural, dark brown color before moving out of his house. It may have been stupid but at the time, he was afraid that his appearance would remind him of the past.

"I'm not sure if any of our friends have told you yet but Hoseok," He lightly grazed a finger over the carved stone over the brown-eyed boy's grave. "Your parents died in a plane crash three months ago. They were on a business trip when their private jet's engine broke down. I believe that it's cruel to wish death upon others but I can't help but feel that they deserved it. Karma finally bit their asses after how they treated you."

The man laughed to himself, arranging the assorted red and pink roses he bought on his way to the cemetery. He placed one bouquet on the corner of Hoseok's stone and placed the other on Yoongi's.

"I've been working on something for three years now." He revealed, picking at the strands of earth protruding from the soil. "Ever since I graduated from university, I've been working with a bunch of people— lawyers, our friends, Yoongi's dad, and other victims. I attended courtrooms after courtrooms to discuss and finalize it. In less than a month, our South Korea government will pass a law stating that discrimination against brown-eyed people is unlawful. With the right evidence, anyone who has mistreated a person with brown eyes in the past will be put behind bars.

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