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A/N: I'm sorry! I know it's almost been 2 weeks since I promised to update but classes got in the way and I caught a really bad fever that I had to skip classes for a day to rest my body. I should probably stop torturing myself by staying up too late but my system is used to it by now. 😣

Anyways, sorry for the long wait. Should've known this would take ages to write but next chapter is the last chapter followed by an epilogue. I'm not too sure when I will be updating but I'll try my best to get it out as soon as I can!



A Month Later

Hoseok laid limp on an empty desk.

Body numb...

Face emotionless...

Brown orbs dull... long given up.

"You know, it would be a lot more fun if you tried moving." Sehun commented, straightening his own uniform up before leaving the brunet in the same miserable state like he had been doing almost every day for the past month.

When he finally gained his senses, he weakly pushed himself off of the wooden surface, arms shaky, reaching up to button his disheveled collar that the blonde had roughly pulled off. His legs barely held him up as he limped toward the door, finally being able to properly start his lunch.

The boy tried his best to walk all the way to his friends' table once he entered the cafeteria doors, silently sitting in between the two seniors of the group, appetite long gone. It was still weird not sitting to the side because Yoongi or Jimin usually sat in the middle but ever since the breakup, things had been this way.

"What's wrong with your leg? Why are you limping?"  Yoongi asked when he felt the presence of the brown-eyed boy next to him.

A week after his and Jimin's break up, the older had finally started talking to him again and the brunet felt a tingle of joy in him after days of physical torture from a certain blonde. It was the first emotion he perceived in a while.

"I twisted my ankle but it's not that bad." Hoseok lied, keeping his eyes on the table. A milk carton was placed in front of him and he didn't have to look up to know who it's from but did so anyways. He smiled at the pink haired boy who returned a halfhearted one.

Jimin hadn't been himself lately. Well... he was still the same nice and caring boy... just... quieter and shyer. The breakup didn't really do the best for him. He wouldn't cry in front of anyone after that day in the stalls but Hoseok knew he only let his tears slip when he was alone. He understood because he's in the same situation with different circumstances.

"Where were you?" Their freshman friend questioned curiously.

"Just needed to finish up an assignment." He lied again. This was one of those rare times he had to lie to his friends because usually Sehun did his business after school when Yoongi would be in basketball practice which gave him time to recover from the pain and prevent suspicions from forming in the older's head. Though today the blonde didn't seem too keen on waiting the whole day to ruin the boy and dragged him to the same unoccupied classroom right when the lunch bell rang. It was those days that Hoseok felt guilty for lying.

"How'd it go?" Taehyung asked, munching on an apple slice.

The brunet shrugged. "I finished."

"Well at least you got it over with." Yoongi spoke up, patting the younger's back who flinched, insides panicking from any form of touch. "Woah, are you okay?"

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