Yoongi POV: ♪1♪

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(Chapter 20: When Yoongi kissed Hoseok)

A bunch of you wanted me to write a Yoongi POV for this scene so here you go.


Yoongi didn't know what came over him. He didn't know why he kissed the brown-eyed boy. He didn't know.

He quickly realized what he was doing and pulled away from Hoseok's lips. He could see the utter shock in the younger's expression, face blooming like a ripe tomato.  The mint head was also well aware of the same look reflected on his pale face.

Before Hoseok could even muster a word out, Yoongi was already tumbling over his own words. "D-Don't fucking tell anyone that happened. I-I'm leaving." He grabbed his jacket and phone and bolted out of the room, all sense of coherence completely thrown out of the window when he left the boy without an explanation or even an apology for throwing himself at him.

He stumbled into his car and took a deep breath. Everything was fine. Just forget that ever happened. It wasn't a big deal, he could pretend like they never kissed and continue his coldness toward the brunet. He had to forget how soft the other's lips were... how he felt a tingle of butterflies from that small contact. He had to forget.

Forget that it felt right.

Fuck, he still had a boyfriend. How was Jimin going to react? Was he going to tell him? Yes. The least he could do was be honest to the younger. He didn't deserve this. It was already bad enough that the pinket's boyfriend was getting married off to another guy yet he never complained because he had always been there for the older. Though Yoongi knew it hurt Jimin. Heck, he would've been pissed if Jimin's parents thought he wasn't good enough and decided to arrange the younger in a marriage he was never aware of too.


Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: The One That Got Away by Katy Perry (Cover by Brielle Von Hugel)


The guilt wasn't any better when Yoongi woke up the following morning.

So he did what he had to do and asked Jimin to meet him earlier than they usually did in the morning behind the school building.

And now here he was, waiting for the younger by the familiar brick wall. He had a feeling that his boyfriend was fully unaware of the bad news Yoongi had when he skipped to the older and pulled him into a warm hug. Instead of feeling calmer in the shorter boy's arms, it only made Yoongi feel even more bad.

Jimin pulled back, looking up from the mint haired boy's chest to flash his endearing eye smile and whispering a soft "Hi."

Yoongi almost melted at that.

He returned a sad smile before gently pushing the younger off of him.

"Jimin, I need to tell you something." The older sighed, letting go of his boyfriends small hands.

"Oh... sure. Go ahead." Though the worry was evident in his deep sea eyes, Jimin kept his encouraging smile on.

"I understand if you're pissed after I tell you this but I want you to know that I'm so sorry."

"You're scaring me, hyung." The shorter forced a nervous laughter out.

"I... I kissed Hoseok."

And somehow confessing only made him feel worse.

Yoongi watched. He watched the way Jimin's smile gradually faded. His worried eyes now glossed with sadness and incoming tears. Jimin didn't blink, only looking down at the floor.

He broke the heart of the boy who took care of his own.

"Jimin. I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize, Yoongi-Hyung." The pink haired boy was now the one sporting a sad smile. "This was bound to happen at some point. He's your fiancé and I'm basically a mistress. I'm a barrier and if anything, I should be the one apologizing."

"Minnie, don't say that-"

"No." Jimin cut him off, voice cracking when a stubborn tear slipped. "No... Why are we still doing this, Yoon? I love you so much but I can't be with you when I-I already know that I'll soon be in the past. I'm not your future, Yoon, and I can't keeping going on like this."

Yoongi's pained blue eyes stared into the crying boy's heartbroken ones. "So you're breaking up with me."

It wasn't a question. The older knew exactly what was coming next.

"It's better to end it now than wait a little longer." Jimin whispered sadly. "I'm sorry, Yoongi."

And with full sobs, he turned around and ran until he was out of sight. The older didn't say anything to stop the boy. He just stood where he was, eyes on the same spot Jimin stood just a moment ago.

He fucked up again.

He lost his mother and now he lost Jimin.


There will be more Yoongi POVs (and Jimin POVs if you guys tell me what you want to read about).

I have two more Yoongi POVs that I already know how to write but please don't be shy to suggest more.

I have two more Yoongi POVs that I already know how to write but please don't be shy to suggest more

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Thank you for 1K votes! I purple you all 💜💜

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