Chapter 20

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Author's note: Sorry that the last two chapter have been short, but I have to make sure that I can have time to prep for a next book. But here we are chapter 20.......

"Alex! Alex!" I shouted.

"Come on!" Beckett shouted. Zombies, I hate them so much.....

It has been 3 days since the zombie hoard, but when we lost them, we decided to go ahead and look back for Alex. It was the bus people decision; however, they decided to go the opposite to find a new place to live, but close enough so we can still have the garden.

We found a little cabin deep in the woods, but it was very small, and it suck a lot. But we have to do what we got to do. So, we decided that if we can get the rest of the zombies that is there at the farm, we will get rid of them. We will go in a team of five which contains of Edwin, Jamie, Josh, Beckett and I. So, the people who was left was Mark, Gwen, Natalie, Jordan and Johnathan.

"What happens if she goes nuts again?" Gwen asked. She is talking about Jordan.

"If she cuts herself and bleeds and die kill her." I whispered.

So, we said our goodbyes. I hope while we are out there, we can find Alex. I still don't know what I want between Alex and I, but it is nice to have someone behind my back. I feel so lost to be honest because he is a person so close to my age.

Our first day.... We kill over 50-100 zombies, and we weren't at the goddamn farm yet. It will probably take us 3-4 days, but we are unsure yet. But I was so tired because while I was doing that I would make sure they weren't Alex.

For supper we had apples and beef jerky, we don't want to overuse our materials. It sucks because this is Alex's favorite snack.

The next day we kill about the same, I was so annoyed. I haven't been able to sleep for a few days. Alex will probably kill me once he knows that I haven't been taking care of ourselves.

"Hey kiddo." Beckett said.

"You haven't call me that for a while." I said.

"Well, you are a teacher and if everyone else calls you that it is trouble." Beckett laughed.

"Can I tell you the dream I have?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"But, please don't laugh." I begged.

"Promise." He said.

"I want to make a little town where we can be citizens again, maybe finding a cure, and having a big table where all of us can eat together blood or no blood." I said.

"Wow." He said.

"Good or a bad wow?" I asked.

"I mean it is a big ambition." He laughed.

"You promise you wouldn't laugh." I growled.

The third day, we estimated that we should be there by tomorrow. We are going to be at the farm tomorrow. We didn't kill a lot of zombies today but we are planning for the worst tomorrow. We are expecting a bunch of zombies because that hoard had a bunch of zombies, and Rebecca. I don't remember killing her or not. That night I finally slept, but I freaking dreamt about Alex being a zombie, and I woke up crying. I couldn't believe that maybe my mind was thinking about it.

Fourth day, game day.... We got our guns ready, we ate our food, and I am glad at the house we have food, and I am determined to kill every last one of those fuckers. I still wish Alex was here though because this really sucks currently.

So, we decided that if we make it, we will meet inside the house. I just block everyone out at that point, I just tried focusing on killing all of these dumbasses, brain eating zombies. I kill a bunch of zombies during this time, and the fact is that I really

Eventually I was surrounded by zombies, I was in a middle of a circle with goddamn zombies. Shit I was going to fucking die...... I could hear Beckett and Josh screaming at the zombies to get them away from me; however, what they didn't know is I cut my arm, so they could be drawn to me and not them.

Then I did my blank out again and I slice a lot of them. I cut off the zombie's legs and head and down they came. But, one of them grab me and almost bit me but what I didn't notice is that Beckett and all the others were trying to help out but there was at least thirty- forty of them.

I just really needed to survive, and I really want to get rid of all these goddamn zombies, and I want my dreams to become real. Even if that cost me my life, I just want Gwen, and the others to live like I have dream. This would be easier for us; it would be easier for me to just give up. Right? Will I actually survive?


Author's note 2: Just remember I am now back at work (for now), and the fact is that I am still trying to see if I am going to make a sequel or not to this. But, if you have another idea for me to try and write comment. Thanks if you guys have read to this part.   

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