Chapter 24

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Day 1: We are building the watch tower. Mark, Jackson and Beckett are building. While Alex, Josh, Gwen and I are going to protect them. We found a bunch of wood in the back and we use a tree that fell down to build the rest of it.

Since we were making noises there were zombies around, so we killed a lot of them. Gwen has proven to me that she is ready, so this was the day I would give her a chance. We killed about 50 zombies, and I can tell you we are only halfway there. We are going to make it tall enough were we know zombies can't climb it, so it will be a few feet high. But this is getting better than nothing.

Day 2: We got the tower built, and now we decided instead of the meeting house, we can start on protection. We decided to we found some fencing wire so we decided that we are going to build two order of entrance. The first one will be wood and then the second one will be the wiring that will attach itself to the wood one as well, but that is just a plan, we are hoping it will work.

Day 3: Still working on the gate, but since we have most of it done it is nice. It sucks that we aren't with the others for the first week, but we will be back on the weekend, and when we do, I will get to spend time with Ember. Ember has become my little friend to be honest, she seems to calm for me better than anyone else.

Day 4: We got most of the gate done. Since we been here, we have been sleeping in the tower watch, it seems to help zombies that do come through not to notice us. I hope that eventually it will be nice enough for us to start staying permanently. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't have this idea.

"How are you holding up?" Beckett asked.

"It's going." I said.

"Red, I know you miss everyone, and once we get this done, we will be fine." Beckett smiled.

"I am glad Gwen is doing well." I said.

"I think it is because she feels like she needs to." Beckett said.



"Yeah maybe."

Day 5: Today would be our last day here, and we got about 95% of the gate done. I just hope nobody would come past it. We made sure that we label with spray paint cans of what building would be what. So, we decided that right after the town watch we will build covers so if others will cause issues, then we will have a few businesses' such as the store, library, a couple houses, then we were thinking of a daycare for smaller kids, but we haven't figure that out yet, and in the middle we are going to have the plants that are small enough where everyone can pick for themselves or whoever mans the store can take them in.

We left around 12pm and arrive back at the cabin at 3pm. It took us shorter time because we didn't take a break at all, we ate while we walk, if we needed to go to the bathroom that is the only time we would stop. It was good to see the cabin though.


Author's note: Sorry this chapter short. What do you think of this idea that Red has created? 

Red vs The dead.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя