Chapter 12

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It took a little bit for Beckett and I to take out the bullet. I kept asking Beckett what the fuck is wrong with people. They just shot him and left. I guess I'm not too surprised. But at least he was safe now.

Once he was in the clearing. I had to distract myself with learning something new. I decided to talk to Edwin to see what I can do before. I guess that some zombies broke the gate when it was nicer outside and we need to fix that. They have the equipment and the wood, but it is like a two-man job, and if some zombies are still around, they would need someone to kill them.

"You sure you don't want to stay here?" Beckett asked.

"I have to go do something." I said.

"Then stay in here, help me with Alex." He said.

I just ignore him. I only kill 2 zombies, which wasn't odd. I was worried about Alex. He been in our group for a while. He took a while for me to enjoy his company, I just hope that he makes it through.

Once I was done, I just kept myself busy. I clean the stalls out, fed and water all the horses. I fed the chickens; I talk to the pigs for a bit before feeding them. I grab the buckets I found so we can make more water and store them into jugs.

"Red." Jamie's voice appeared

"What?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something." He said.


"Well, th- there is a girl down the street, and I-."

"You want me to check on her?"

"If you could."

I grab our gear and told everyone that we are going on a run. They tried to say we didn't need to, but you know. I convince them enough to let us go. So, we rode the horses down the street and we were there in no time.

He rushes inside and I hurried and follow him inside with my weapon drawn. I haven't just busted in a house like that. But he knew where this girl was, and I had hope she wasn't a zombie.

When I met up with him, they were hugging and kissing. At least she wasn't bit. I smiled at her and nodded. She hugs me too, and was glad to see another female, but when I hugged her, I felt something move.

"I am pregnant." She said.

Her name is Jordan, she is only a year older than me. Jamie and Jordan are in love for the longest time. But great there is going to be a baby, Jamie must of not thought about the outcome from this.

"How long?" I asked.

"It has been a little bit." She said.

"Well, we can get you to my uncle he is a doctor." I said.

"I-I am scared to leave." She said.

"Jordan, I promise Jamie and I will protect you." I said.

"Plus, we can be together there." Jamie added.

Eventually she agrees Jamie and I help her pack stuff. This was her dad's house, he turns. But he is still in the basement being a zombie, she wanted to say goodbye; however, I told her it is best to go.

I let her ride on the horse that I have been riding since day one. She couldn't walk and she couldn't ride Jamie's horse, that is too much weight for it. So, I decided to tell her that we need stuff, and we will go. So, she helps us grab the stuff that we need such as batteries, ammo, food and medicine.

When we got back Edwin was angry. He said that it is going to be hard to feed all of us, but at least we are going to have a team. I just let them talk about it while I went to go check on Alex. He still wasn't awake, but these things do take time.

I sat by him, and didn't speak a word. Not a single word. I just sat there and monitor him. While he sat there, I wrote in the journal Beckett got me, I basically used it as a diary. I use to have one back home but before all this shit happen, I lost it, and my mom promise to get me a new one.

Alex's stats were good, I hope he wakes up soon. Either he will become a vegetable or a zombie either or it isn't good. I have to admit he is good at killing zombies, but either way he was a good person of things I knew. Is it weird that I want someone to live so much?

Eventually I fell asleep, and I was so tired. I feel like the universe is all on my shoulders. I fucking fifteen years old. I honestly don't know girls my age would have done if this life was normal. I was dreaming that I was in my room doing something and Gwen came in and ask if she could borrow my shirt, but I told her no. She took it anyways, and I told her no and we started fighting and she rip my shirt. 

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