Chapter 11:

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Today. Is my birthday. I am fucking a fifteen-year-old. Beckett and Gwen seem to be up to no good. When I asked Alex about it be shrugged as well. I know these little fuckers arent planning a party, are they?

I am fifteen so what? I'm surprised that I lasted 6 years in this apocalyptic nightmare. It wasn't nothing special. But every fucking year Beckett tries to make it good no matter where we are.

It was beginning to start changing. The weather was growing colder, so Beckett and I decided to run into town to grab supplies. Old man Edwin was up and walking now; although not too great but he is doing his part as well. But we need warmer clothes for all of us. I decided to go ahead and grab a big bag and we rode the horses into town.

We haven't seen a lot of zombies since it started to change. It is nice though because I don't have to carry a lot of ammo or shit on us. Just my knives are nice to have. So, we wrap our horses and went inside the store.

I found some gloves and stuff in the back from last year, I found a bunch of yarn. Rebecca been asking us to so she could make us stuff, so I found some. Then I grab a bucket because we will use the bucket for the snow to make water.

"Got everything?" He asked. I nodded and we left.

On our way back we saw a buck, he was huge. Uncle Beckett hate to risk zombies to get it or even risk for people to know if they were here; however, he is a hunter. So he grab it and we brought it back.

Later on after supper. Everyone handed me gifts. Rebecca and the younger children made me some mittens with a matching hat. The boys found some hunting knives, which were my favorite, Edwin somehow got me chocolate. God that went so far wasn't funny. Then Gwen gave me a little necklace she made out of string and rocks. Then Beckett got me a notebook with homemade pencils and one pen. He knew I always enjoy writing, he smile as I almost went into tears. But, one person I didn't notice at the table was Alex.

Alex is usually good to me , very pleasing. But, for some reason he gives me the cold shoulder every so often. Beckett just says it is because boys gets like this every so often. Be doesn't bleed out of him every fucking month, unless if he is a she....

I went out to the barn , I had my mittens, hat and the necklace on. He was on the upper level just watching out into the woods. I sat next to him, didn't say a word, didn't touch him we just sat there.

"I didn't get you anything." He said.

"No biggie" I said.

"It's your birthday."

"My birthday is just another day."

"Red, I miss having parties, getting gifts and shit."

"I know but I promise to me it is nothing."

"Red, I-I...."

"Spit it out."

"I just miss feeling human."

Alex has never open up to me before. I just sat there for a while. He watches me train these people. My god he probably doesn't think I'm human does he? Sometimes I can be rude but I do it just so I don't let my heart through. But instead of sitting there. I pulled him in for a hug and I apologize. He began to cry... He is right. I miss being a human too.

It is the next day. I couldn't slept Alex just walk away after that hug and I haven't been able to talk to him. I guess he went off this morning somewhere, I understood now that he misses being him. So I cancel training today to go after him.

"You sure?" Beckett asked.

"Its fine." I said.

I hurried and followed his footprints, making sure to cover mine afterward. It was so fucking cold with the wind I was concerned that he froze to death and that is why he didn't come back. I could tell the animals were hiding, just like we should be in the house together.

I have been searching all day. I was ready to give up; however, I heard a gun shot. Just one. I hurried and ran towards the gun. When I got there he was standing there. I was going to run towards him however I saw a man. I decided to wait until he left. He just stole stuff off of him and hope he died. But he was shot.... I needed to get him home.

I hurried and grab him, but I can tell you teenage boys are heavy. I place him around my arms and he was shock to see me. He was bleeding all over and I could keep doing this, so I made a little sled I was smart and brought rope.

Once I return home I hurried to have Beckett help me. I assisted the good thing is between the pain meds and a bit of shock he was knock out. He was going to be alright right? 

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