Chapter 13

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It been a few days since we took out the bullet. I haven't been on watch; I only have been sitting with Alex. I just don't understand why he won't wake up; I was annoyed with him. I was so annoyed that this is happening. Then I realize that I should be out hunting the guy that did this to him. So, I decided that I would do that.

I left when everyone was asleep, it was dark. I only took some canned fruit, crackers, peanut butter and water. Then I brought my gun and knives, and I decided I wouldn't say a word. I just left. I didn't take a horse or nothing.

The first night wasn't very fun. It was lonely, and I actually miss the company. I miss making fun of Jamie, and the others, and the fact is I miss sitting there, I miss messing with Gwen and Beckett so much.

But I learn it took me 2 days to find the guy. He wasn't smart about covering his tracks, and I am glad he wasn't that smart. But what I notice is he had a little girl, a wife. Fuck.... I can't kill him even if I wanted to. So, I went back.

When I came back, I made sure that I got some game. I got a fox that I killed; it sucks to kill it but we can use its fur. That what Beckett would say. But, when I got home, they were pissed off, I only know it was because they were scared. But there are no zombies around the farm which I am thankful for that.

I made sure that I handed the fox to Beckett and Edwin, and when I got upstairs Alex was sitting there reading. Right before I got back, I had a dream he woke up and was asking about me.

"How can you read this stuff?" He asked.

"So, you made it." I smiled.

So, we talk and laughed for a while. I check his wound; although, he tried pushing me off and not doing it. I had to; I was a nurse after all. Beckett came in and started laughing at us, he was trying to push me off and I told him I need to check and clean the wound anyways.

"Red, we need your help." Rebecca said.

"I'll be back." I said.

"You better be." He laughed.

I hurried to see that little Johnathan broke his arm by climbing up a tree. Beckett just talked me through a broken arm. So, I had to reduce the swelling, I place ice on it after I clear that it is fine. Luckily, we have enough stuff to help make a splint.

"Don't do anything with your arm until I clear it." I said.

"I wish you wouldn't of climb a frozen tree." Rebecca said.

"Sorry mom." He said.

Once that was done, I went back to Alex. Edwin brought up some games that we can play, so we are playing chess. It was so much fun kicking his ass, and I love that he can win. Eventually, I fell asleep next to him because we were reading a book together, and it was nice.

When I woke up, I saw Beckett and Gwen laughing at me. Alex was awake and acted like nothing was going on but his cheeks were read. So, I got up, and didn't say anything. I went ahead and went outside and I decided to go check on Johnathan's arm. It seems to be doing good and healing.

Few days later Alex started getting up and walking. He tried not acting like in pain but he was. He wants to do this because he feels bad that all of us are working, and he was laying there. I told him it wasn't his fault he got shot either.

He would try to walk around and everything 2-3 times a day and the rest he was in bed until he is perfect, he said. But he just needs time to heal. Also, he heard that we are going start planning for when spring is over on what we are going to do.

"You don't have to rush." I said.

"Yes, I do." He said.

"Just rest for a couple more days." I said.

"Red, you aren't my mother, wife, or sister so back up." He exasperated.

"Fine." I said.

Author's note: What are you guys thinking what is going to happen? Also, what are your thoughts on Red? 

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