Chapter 2

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Since this has happen, I have been trying to figure out how to deal with this. I mean I was only nine years old when this happen, but now I am fourteen years old now, and Gwen is nine, and well old uncle Beckett is just old.

When we are in a house, we usually try not to get too cozy. Uncle Beckett just warns us that these houses can be our forever home. I wish we could go back to our house, there is stuff that I wish I could grab instead of the things I grab that day.


I hurry and grab a lot of clothes; I just threw them into a little backpack. I didn't totally grab that, and I grab my brush, some hair stuff, and my school books. But, when uncle Beckett told me that we wouldn't need those I place them on the table.

"Why can't I take them?" I asked.

"Honey, we are going to be doing a lot of walking, running etc." He answered.

I grab Gwen's little hand; she had some diapers and wipes then with some clothes that would work for us for a while. Uncle Beckett was scaring me though, he was trying to run and talk to us but I couldn't understand. He threw us into the car, and started driving.

We been in the car for a while. Gwen was getting upset that we were in the car for so long. She has always hated car rides, but eventually I got her to stop crying. There was silence for a long time before Beckett decided to turn on the radio but there were news reports about the zombies.

My stomach was growling, it has been a few hours. Again, we were driving for a long time, but at least Gwen was asleep. When we finally stop it was pretty late, by the sun I could tell. He pick up the sleeping Gwen and told me to follow him, we went inside the cabin. At first I didn't realize it but it's the cabin dad and Beckett was talking about. He rush us inside and lock the door and block it with a big table in the way. He took a large deep breath.

"I promise I'll tell you everything." He said.

"I am hungry!" Gwen shouted.

"Oh yeah I better get food ready for you girls." He sighed.

He made us some soup. We really don't like this type of soup but he pleaded with us. So, I decided to show Gwen it wasn't that bad. We ate, and Gwen was change and ready for bed. That is when Beckett told me everything.

Later that night I lied in my bed and cried myself to sleep.

End of flashback.

(author notes: Man I feel bad that Gwen doesn't understand this stuff.)  

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