Chapter 16

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"Go get the others." I said.

When they came they were freaking out. I told Gwen to get Jordan and the young children to the back and if we have to, we can go on the bus, and I had the others load up the bus with the stuff that we brought back today.

I had people that were able to fight take a knife and a gun with a couple rounds of ammo. What we decided to do was shot a few of them, and then once we ran out of ammo then we use our knives and made sure that we protected our animals as well.

So, we did that and by the time that was over we were cover in blood. We hurry and wash off and check each other for bites or scratches. We are lucky with that big of a crowd no one was hurt, but since this is happening, we decided to go ahead and start watches early. We decided to do it in 3 groups, group 1: Beckett and I, group 2: Alex and Jamie, group 3: Edwin and Mark, and we are going to do about 8 hour shifts, so group one will do it after supper, so Beckett and I watch for a while until around 2am, group 2 did it from 2am- 10am, and group 3 did that from 10am-6pm.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, just be careful." I said.

"I will." He smiled.

On Beckett and I's next shift instead of Beckett it is Alex. I was confused on why they shuffle their hours. But he told me that Mark wanted help with the wheat, it starting to look good.

The good thing is since we have flour and sugar, we been making stuff ahead of time. We have been making homemade breads, and once all of the fruit is done, we can start making jams. Also, we are starting to do more runs to that one place because they had a lot of stuff there, but again we are putting some in the bus, cars and the basement.

"Hey guys I thought you guys would want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Gwen said.

"Aww thanks." I said.

"Thanks." Alex said.

We ate in silence and well it was nice because zombies haven't been coming for a while since that little group, I guess. But I am glad there are some things we can do, and since things are changing when we do runs Alex and I usually go.

"So, how are you doing?" Alex asked.

"Fine." I said.

"Good." He said.


Alex and I needed to make a run and I hate it; I wish we could see a place that has a lot of things we need. But we are trying, we are trying because we need to live. I have been on so many runs that they aren't funny.

Uncle Beckett been wanting to go on runs; however, the issue is that he needs to watch Jordan. He thinks she might be going to labor soon because her sex hormones, but it happens.

So, we were at our normal spot it usually has nothing, but we are going to try this big factory. It is supposed to have some Twinkies, my uncle laughed so hard; however, he realizes that he misses Twinkies. So, he gave me the biggest bag and told me if there are any boxes grab him a lot of them.

Well, I was grabbing the boxes and boom a zombie knock me over trying to bite me. I never lose my cool; however, today I began to freak out and started screaming and started crying. It seems like it took forever until Alex took the zombie down and well afterwards, he apologies that it took some long. Then when we stop hugging, he planted a kiss on me...

End of flashback. 

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