4 Eternal Health

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After the flash of white,I find myself in a large concrete room with multiple doorways, but no windows. Lamps hang from the ceiling,lighting up the space.
"John,get Harmony to the medical bay!" Grace quickly commands John.
John takes Harmony off my hands and sprint through one of the doors,then suddenly I feel the world spin and I fall onto my hands and knees. I begin to cough up large portions of deep red blood.
"Well that's just lovely. Don't worry,that always happens the first time." I hear Grace say in an emotionless manner.
"What just happened?" I ask Grace quietly.
"I merely tore a hole in space to get us here."
"How? I thought no other immortals had powers beside me and the Immortal of light."
"We thought that too,until recently. None of us know how we got these powers,but they are not as strong as light and dark. "
"I see. Where are we?"
I hear a different voice answer.
"We are currently in a large,rejected human military facility. We have been using it the hide from Veils."
A stocky,young man with brown hair stands in front of me,a mop in one hand, a bucket of water in the other.
"Here you go.Use these to clean it up." The boy says as he gives me the mop and bucket of water.
Within five minutes the blood is cleaned.
The boy takes the equipment off my hands and then leaves.
I turn to Grace looking for an explanation,but she is standing with her eyes closed,obviously not asleep though.
I gently poke her in the arm and to my surprise,she jumps back with a look of plain surprise on her face.
"Let's go see how Harmony is going." Grace states as she begins to walk off.
I follow her until we arrive at the medical bay,which is large white room,that does not have a single piece of medical equipment.
In the centre is a hospital bed with Harmony asleep in it. Harmony is no longer wearing her bloodied clothes,but a white,glowing set of lite medieval armour.
I feel my draw drop at this sight of the Immortal of light.
"Are you really that slow mate?" John asks as he walks to stand besides me.
"I appear to be,it seems. Is her armour healing her?"
"It is. She's gotten into a lot of trouble looking for you."
"Why did she look for me?"
"Because you are my opposite,yet you are my longest friend." Harmony replies,looking over with a smile on her face.
"I'm glad you are going well." I say in response.
I look over, realising Grace has not yet said a word and to my absolute astonishment,Grace's face is a large grin instead of the emotionless wall it was before.
"You seem happy." I quietly mention to Grace.
"Is there a problem with being happy that my friend is okay?"
"Not at all las."
Grace,could you please show Reath to his bed? I am still unable to move much." Harmony asks while staring at the ceiling.
"Reath,follow me please."
We eventually come to a sleeping quarter. It has four bunk-beds that are covered in black bedding and in a line.
"Do you all sleep in the same room?" I ask.
"Yep,no point wasting space."
We go to the end of the row of bunks.
"The bottom bed is yours. Now you should get some rest,dinner in an hour." Grace says with a bit of mischief in her eyes.
"What's for dinner?"
"Oh,you'll see. Now rest,you obviously need it."
Grace begins to walk off.
"Thanks for helping on the hill."
She stops. Not turning.
"No problem." She quietly says before leaving.
I get into the bed. It is very soft,but hard at the same time. I slowly put my head to the pillow and as I do this,I fall into a dream.

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