21 Eternal Power

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The dragons begin to stir, their eyes watching our every movement. One of them appears to be black and the other white. "These are our dragons, our strongest tools and now the key to our survival. So this is what you were after." I say, walking to the cage holding the black dragon.
"Yes, they were. We need them to win against the humans and survive." Harmony replies as she strokes her dragons snout. "They are our greatest weapons. Like us, they are the reason their races was hunted to the brink of extinction."
The black dragon's blood red eyes turn to me, blank and unmoving. I place my hand upon its snout, its eyes close and a soft sound like that of a pur begins to come from the beast.
"Do you know what gender they are?" I ask Harmony.
"Your's is male and mine is female. They share our power and some of our characteristics. They are connected to us, if either you or your dragon dies, you both do. You share a soul."
I turn and look into the beasts big red eyes. I begin to have flashes of flames and two dragons fighting in the air.
"They fought each other when we fought. They destroyed whole towns and villages, do we locked them here." I say, turning to Harmony.
"Indeed we did. Now enough of the past, we must prepare for our last stand. If we win, we survive. If we lose, we become yet another extinct species."
I hear footsteps coming from the tunnel behind us. I turn to see Jaidyn running, desperation in his face.
"We misjudged their speed, they will be here within four hours. We need to hurry." He pauses for a second, "Are those what I think they are?"
"Do not worry about the dragons. We need to set up fortifications before they arrive. "Are the M.A.S operational?" I quickly ask Jaidyn.
"We have not had time to fix them, so Harmony gave them to Morgan to play with." He replies.
"In that case, what time is it?" I ask.
"It will about eleven o'clock when the humans are within range to attack the temple." Harmony replies, "So everyone needs to where black."
We all quickly begin to walk through the tunnel, returning to the war room.
I quickly find Morgan.
"What are you using the M.A.S armour plating for?"
"Nothing really, why?"
"I would like you to go and make some big armour plating for me. Jaidyn knows that what I want."
"Okay then. I will get onto that."
I nod my head in thanks and rapidly ask Jaidyn to go help her.
I frantically begin running around, getting people to prepare for battle, mending wounds and fixing the vehicles we have. After about two hours Harmony gathers us all to the wall room.
I quickly go to Harmony.
"Do we have any kind of fort or vantage point we can use? That is what will really make this battle work."
A sly grin forms on Harmony's face, "I thought you'd never ask."
She walks to the war table.
"Everyone, move to the edges of the room." Harmony commands, "Reath, I need one of you shadow swords."
I summon a sword and pass it to her, and as I do, she pushes a small section on the side of the table and the top opens up and begins to move, revealing to thin slots. She inserts my sword into one slot and then summons a sword of her own and places it in the second.
The floor begins to tremor and shake, causing dust to rise into the air. The walls begin to shift and move, the room becoming far larger then its original size. I look to Harmony just to see her smiling. Once the shaking is done, only two doors remain, the one that leads to the dragons and another opposite it on the far wall.
"Come with me." Harmony says as she ushers towards the door that leads to the dragons.
As we all enter through the door, instead of being an empty room, it is filled with all kinds of medieval and modern weaponry. Morgan is the first to walk up to the rows of weapons, picking up a new, bigger mace. John finds a larger rifle and loads it with a fresh magazine. Harmony walks to the large door leading to the tunnel and begins to open it. On the other sky I see night sky and walls surrounding a large paved area almost the size of an average sports oval, that is surrounded by a short wall. I look over the wall to find we are upon a large wall. I turn around to find the wall sounds a structure at its centre. The structure is about the size a small castle.
I quickly walk back into the weapons cache and find a back on about thirty to forty small, but very powerful mines. I walk outside and pass the bag to Grace.
"Lay this all out there." I say as I point out towards the night from the wall. "They will come from that direction."
Grace nods and vanishes, reappearing on the desert plane far below.
After about thirty minutes Grace returns, bag empty. Grace nods and sits with her back against the small wall on the edge and closes her eyes.
"Your armour is coming now."
I turn to see Jaidyn fully armoured, looking at a small screen on the underside of his right gauntlet.
I then turn around to see Victor's, Grace's and my armour walking out from the weapons cache.
"I put the shield generators from the suits on onto your armours. I had to make it smaller of course, so it will be less powerful, but it will recharge faster. Also, I have fitted the dragons with the armour you requested."
"Thank you." I say, patting him on the shoulder. "What is the big rocket launcher on the back of my armour?"
"Oh, Morgan got a bit creative and made the energy weapon from the suits in a smaller version and has intergrated it into your armour. It will just slide forward when you need it and is powered by your shadow, use it wisely."
I walk up to my armour and let it engulf me, as does Grace and Victor. I look around and see Harmony throw a large ball of pure light into the air. The light explodes and spreads itself all around the large wall, forming a large shield.
"We can all shoot through this, but the humans cannot shoot into it."
Upon that note, I look out upon the desert plane and see large silhouettes in the moonlight.
"Everybody get ready for battle!" I yell.
Everybody with a ranged weapon takes a station along the edge of the wall. Jaidyn's sniper now glowing red and a glowing bow and arrow in Harmony's hands. I walk to join the others, a bow now in my hands. I draw an arrow.
"Now the true war begins" I whisper to myself as I let my arrow fly.

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