23 Shadow's Rage and Light's Tears

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I feel my anger begin to stir inside of me as I see Grace's body fly through the air, her armour now shattered and broken. I run to her, her eyes closed and teath clenched with pain. Her eyes open, a week smile filled with pain and sandness forms on her face as she sees me.
"Crap." Grace mutters before going limp, no evidence of life shown. I stand quietly beside her, my armour beginning to shift, my old armour not strong enough to stand against the power now within. Large jagged spikes now potrude from the armour, revealing my shadow's true form. My dragon lands beside me, the same rage inside it. I place my hand on its snout and draw the beast's life-force into my body. The red leaves to dragons eyes and becomes just a dull gray. The ground shakes as the lifeless body crashes to the ground. My armour cracks, bright veins of orange running all through it. I notice someone come up beside me, it is Harmony with tears running down her face as she looks down at Grace's body. Armour made of pure light forms around her, her dragon now beside her.
"Lets finish this." Harmony says to me.
"All of them shall die." I reply.
"These bastards had this coming." I look to see the rest of the crew now gathered behind us. Jaidyn continues speaking, "We will stay with Grace and take care of any incoming bombs. You go take the bastards out."
Harmony and I nod then begin to run at the veil horde approaching. We both summon an orb of our element and launch it at the foe, the blast produced by each thinning their numbers greatly. I see wave of twenty M.A.S approach, but they were not regular ones, they looked slight disfigured and awkward.
"These are not normal M.A.S back there." I say to Harmony.
"Just focus, we will fight them after the veil are done."
I nod, and then begin to go into my beast form, my armour shifting to the change. The dragon takes to the air, drawing the M.A.S fire. Harmony runs in, sword cutting and slashing all the beasts in her path. I launch myself into combat, tearing apart all that stand in my way. Any veil that attempt to attack me get impaled by the spikes on my armour. After approximately thirty minutes, the entire remainder of the veil army is wiped out. Harmony and I turn to the M.A.S, only ten remaining. I notice they begin to gather against the dragon. Several beams of energy all make impact against the dragon and it falls from the sky, shaking the ground with the impact of its fall. Harmony summons her wings, a bow now in her hands. She fires an arrow at the mob of M.A.S. the arrow detonates on impact, destroying three of the remaing ten. All of them turn to us and I notice them begin to shift and change, combining into one large M.A.S. Harmony lands and collapses to her knees, breathing heavily. Her armour and wings vanish, revealing her now weak body beneath.
"That is all I had. I am sorry but the rest is up to you." Harmony replies through strained breaths.
I begin to walk towards the large machine, not bothering to answer. The humans begin to fire at me, standing their ground. I summon a shield, their bullets just reflecting of it. I stop moving approximately four-hundred metres from it and close my eyes, summoning the power that I took from the dragon. I feel the shear power generate at my jaws, my rage amplifying the power. I hear my shield begin to crack under the power of the human's energy weapons. I open my eyes. I see the shield shatter, my body now subject to their attacks. I open my jaws, a purple flame bursts towards the enemy. The world is all in slow motion as I see my flame apprach the enemy and their beams of energy get closer to me. As my flame makes impact with the M.A.S, the beam also makes impact with my arm, pulverising it. My flame burns through the M.A.S, turning it into molten metal. I fall to my knees, all my energy depleted. I feel for my right arm, but all that remains is but a stump. I collapse, darkness clouding my vision.

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