22 Eternal War

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As my arrow flys through the air, I begin to hear gunshots begin to fire upon either side of me. As we fire, the humans begin also. Large ripples form upon the shield where their weapons are impacting. As the human's tanks approach the shield, the mines begin to come into effect, destroying the human's front lines.
I put my hand out in front of me, palm splayed. I begin to form a large circular symbol out of my energy. After five minutes, the shield still strong, the symbol is half way through completion and as I reach this point, it is reaching the size of a small car. I notice Jaidyn throw down his weapon and begin to form a symbol also, but slight smaller then my own. At this I notice Harmony and Alasdair do this also, now four symbols are forming.
After fifteen minutes, all the symbols are glowing a bright light, purple, gold, blue and red. All our symbols line up, one in front of the other. As this is occuring, the shield begins to crack.
"Hold!" I call, "On my mark."
All gun-fire ceases, symbols sit still. Silence fills the air. I continue to watch the humans bombard the shield with their tanks and attack suits. The shield shatters with a loud crash, all its fragments fading into the darkness.
"Fire!" I shout the top of my lungs.
Gun-fire resumes and all the symbols begin to glow so brightly it is almost blinding. The symbolic discs begin to spin to the point where the symbols upon the discs are no longer visible, just a blur. A bombardment of energy begins to explode from the symbols, targeting the humans with relentless fury. As the bombardment stops, I notice that the majority of the tanks and suits have been reduced to nothing more then molten metal.
I turn and see that Harmony's eyes are now glowing a bright white. She extends her hand and I just here her mutter under her breath, "your time has come."
At this the ground below us begins to shake and shift. Two armoured beast explode from the the broken earth, and just stand where they are, holding their ground. The dragons have joined the frey. The armour upon their backs glints in the moonlight as they begin to charge towards the foe, an orange light now coming from their jaws. As the dragons go past the destroyed human forces, I notice small figures begin to move out from the ruins. They all begin to run towards the wall.
"Enemy on foot aproaching the wall!" I hear Harmony shout, "Leave the dragons to take care of the remaining vehicles, target the men on foot! Reath, go down their and do your thing, take advantage of the night."
I send a quick nod and then jump of the edge, my landing cracking the ground beneath my feet. I raise my hands summoning an army of werewolfs from the darkness. The old against the new, I wonder which will win, I think to myself with a curious grin. All my minions stand behind me, patiently waiting for orders.
The humans stop in their tracks, weapons drawn. I point to the humans and my army attacks with pace. The humans begin to fire, killing a few of the wolfs, reducing back to mere darknes, but before long I notice the humans drop their weapons and begin to transform. I summon two swords and join the battle, my swords cutting the humans apart.
Not after long, I notice a bombing jet on approach.
"I need someone to cover me." I quickly shout into my helmet.
Straight away a symbol appears on the ground and Grace appears, her sword instantly taking down members of the veil horde. I quickly draw the enemy weapon upon my back and fire it at the on coming vehicle, a blue beam shoots through the air, piercing the belly of the aircraft and detonating all of the bombs within. The jet explodes like a giant bomb, fragments of it now going everywhere, killing friend and foe. Pieces begin to shower near me, some of them almost taking out Grace. I rapidly put up a shield, the fragments now bouncing of and hitting the veil that have begun to surround the shield. Grace turns, along with all the werewolfs inside.
"All the vehicles have for now been eliminated." I hear Jaidyn's voice in my helmet.
I reach my hand out towards my beast and will for it to come. I notice it immediately spread its wings and take to the air towards me. I strengthen the shield the best as I can, just in time to stop the dragons fire from burning all within as it flys past. All the veil out side the shield now writhe in pain.
I see a soldier still stuck in a vehicle, he appears to be shouting into a radio of some description. I signal to the werewolfs to cover me as I run to the soldier, they nod in response.
"What does that mean?" Grace asks, her eyes scanning the battlefield still alive with combat.
"My beasts will protect me while I make a run for that vehicle over there. It is far and I will have to do it at speed, so I will have to turn into my beast form to avoid being hit. Do you think you can keep up?" I finish, as I release myself from my armour.
"I know I can." Grace replies with a devilish grin that reveals her fangs.
I change into my beast form, my height now towering above Grace. I lower the shield and immediately all of us begin to run, even my armour. I notices the dragons in the sky, bombarding the enemies on the ground with their flames. As we all reach the downed vehicle, I changr my form and summon my armour. I walk up to the man on the radio, and to my horror all I hear are two words come from the radio, "bombing commenced."
"Bombs are coming!" I shout in my helmet just as the first bomb drops, not thirty metres from us.
I raise a shield and look around with Grace nowhere to be seen. I notice her approximately one-hundred and fifty metres away. The world begins to move in slow motion. I shout to her to get into the cover under the shield. She begins to run towards me, a symbol forming beneath her feet, but just before the symbol is complete, to my horror, a bomb lands right next to her.

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