Moon Light Kiss (3)

Start from the beginning


I read the note and smiled. I thought it was beautiful handwriting. And the little smiley face at the end was cute. I couldn't wait to meet Kate.

I quickly put my make up on and to tell the truth...I thought I looked good.  

I was so happy. I ran down their stairs to see five vampires looking at me with smiles on their faces.  

"Hi." I said in a shy voice.  

"Hello! My name is Kate!" Kate said in an excited tone. She was beautiful. She had a dark red dress on and fit to her thin body. She was also wearing black flat shoes. Her hair was short and was bleach blond. Her eyes were an aqua color. She was the same size as me to. Her body was just like mine as well. These must be her clothes I'm wearing then. She was wearing a beautiful smile on her face. I smiled back.  

"I'm...Liz" I said.  

"Hello. I'm Robert, Kate's husband." Robert said. He was really tall and muscular. He kind of scared me. He had light brown hair that was combed back smoothly. His eyes were a dark shade of brown. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt and a pair of dark jeans. It looked like his shoes were pretty expensive. He was also beautiful...of course.  

"Hi." I whispered. I looked up to see another beautiful couple who looked older than Lawrence, Kate, and Robert. The woman was wearing a black skirt with black high heels and a dark red blouse. Her hair was long a strawberry blond color that was pulled half-up-half-down. She was beautiful and her eyes were just like my friend's eyes. They were dark green. She looked to be in her late twenties' along with the beautiful man beside her, while Robert, Kate and Lawrence looked like they were in their teens or early twenties. The man beside the woman was tall to only not as muscular as Robert. He was about the size of Lawrence. The man had black hair and had hazel eyes. He was wearing a black vest with a dark red shirt underneath. And a pair of casual black pants with nice shoes.

The woman smiled at me.  

"Hello, my name is Samantha." She said in a motherly voice. I had this sudden urge to hug her. Her voice made me want to cry and run away again. I took a deep breath and held my self together.  

"My name is Christopher." The man said. I smiled at both of them. I looked at all of them, and then I felt very alone. All of them were perfect in every way and...I...I was plain and ordinary. I didn't belong here. I had to turn on my fake smile again. It was easy, like flipping a switch.

"Let me show you around." Lawrence whispered in my ear. It gave me the chills. I hadn't realized he was standing behind me.

He showed me everything. His house was huge with a lot of big widows. He showed me everybody's rooms and where the kitchen was in case I got hungry. I suddenly noticed that everything was matching. Including his family. They were all wearing black and red. His house was black and it had red designs on the walls.  

"You do know that everyone matches the house right?" I asked.  

"Yes, my mother likes to match the house when we get company. Red is her favorite color. And Chris liked black so they painted this place red and black." He explained.

"This is your room." He said opening a large door. It was beautiful. It was opposite than the house though.  

Every wall was covered with black with red designs, but my room was covered with red walls and black designs. My room had a huge bed with black lace blowing from my open window that led to a big balcony.  

The carpet was black though. It was soft to. I didn't have my shoes yet. I jumped on my bed and it was so comfortable.  

"Oh, My, God!" I yelled. Lawrence smiled at me. I looked at him and climbed off the bed. I grabbed his arms and pulled him on the bed with me. I picked up a pillow and hit him on the back with it. He laughed and made me fall down on my back. I laughed and so did he. I got back up and jumped on the bed. I felt so free. I noticed that I also had a desk with a cool looking computer on it. I had a chandelier as a light to. I saw a couple of chairs on the side of my wall and then I saw a huge flat screen T.V. I looked around and saw a black vanity against the other side of the wall. It had a big mirror with make up, a new brush and jewelry. Then I saw what I was really looking for.

My closet. It had double doors that were black. I got off the bed and Lawrence watched me the whole time. I opened my closet and there were clothes already in there. It was all my style to. There were a lot of jeans and long sleeved shirts and a couple of dresses that weren't to bad looking. Then I saw skirts and shoes. It was filled with clothes and shoes. I felt like a princess. A dark princess though, none of that stupid pink carp. Sorry, but I really hate bright colors. Except lime green.  

"All of this is for me?" I asked looking at him.  

"My sister, Kate had some extra clothes that she doesn't wear anymore along with shoes and jewelry." He explained with a grin.  

"Wow." I said. I looked back at him and went to sit with him. I rested my head on his shoulder, and I cried.  

"Hey, hey, hey. Why are you crying?" He asked taking my face in both of his hands.  

"Because...I don't belong here. All of you are perfect. I'm so plain. And I don't understand this feeling have when you are around me. It hurts but it also feels good. It's like warmth. When I'm around you it like everything else dissap-" He cut me off with a sudden kiss. His lips moved quickly. His lips were cold and hard against mine. What was I doing? Why was I kissing someone I didn't know? Why do I feel like I have known him all of my life though? Nothing mattered, nothing. I pushed away all my thoughts, and tried to keep my mind blank. He was kissing me. My heart was skipping beats. My breath grew quicker.  

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.  

Then very slowly, he let go. He looked at me and smiled.  

"I have been waiting for that kiss for a while." He said. I smiled back at him.  

"That was my first kiss." I said blushing. He laughed.  

"Really?" He asked. His expression changed into a frown, but maybe I was imaging things.  

" did I do?" I asked.  

"Hmm...You could practice." He said in a teasing voice. I slapped his head. I hurt my hand in the process.  

"Ouch." I said laughing.  

"God your hard headed." I laughed harder at my joke, and he laughed with me.

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