Late Night Edits ~Calum Hood~ {2020}

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Calum and I were sitting on the couch binge-watching some shows on Netflix. Thanks to quarantine, I could actually spend some time with my boyfriend.

His head was laid on my shoulder, his floof of blonde hair tickling me ever time he moved his head. I looked down at my phone when I heard a notification.

It was Ashton texting me. Curious, I clicked on the notification. I typed my password and read the text.


Ashton: The other boys and I have been trying to reach Cal for 20 minutes. We thought that maybe his phone was dead and you were our best bet. Could you ask if he could edit the video? He'll know what we're talking about.


I looked over to Cal seeing him reading the text from my shoulder. He made a groaning noise. I guess he didn't want to edit whatever needed to be edited.

"Calum. Come on. You have more than enough time to hang out with me. It's fine." I told him. He looked up at me and made a puppy face. His chocolate coco eyes pleading to let him not to.

I laughed and bopped his nose. "Calum. Please. They've been trying to reach you for 20 minutes. Could you spend 20 minutes editing a simple video?" I asked him. A sigh of defeat came from his voice.

"Fine. But only because Ashton helped with making the entire thing." He replied. He got up off of the couch. The warmth of his body heat escaping from my own. I started to get a little cold.

He soon came back with his laptop. He plopped right back down next to me. He opened the laptop and typed up the long password. It was that long because when it had been short, some hackers had found out what the password was and started buying some... sexual stuff, it all mailing right to our house.

Calum looked up at me as I watched the screen intently. A smile came on his face before he turned the laptop away from my vision. I frowned.

"Come on Calum. Please? It's just a simple video for the boys, right?" I asked. His eyes glanced up to me after a moment.

"You'll find out when it's done, love." He replied to me. His eyes glanced back down to the screen and than turned the volume up.

~I'll tell you what I like. My wildflower!"~ Came from the laptop and a look of excitement immediately came on my face.

"That's Wildflower!?" I asked, not containing my happiness. A big smile appeared on his face. He nodded and I let out a small squeal, containing the rest of my excitement.

"I thought it was just a simple video! I'm sorry." I told him. He looked up at me, giving me a weird face.

"Y/N why are you being sorry? It's totally fine. But that's all that you're going to hear. You'll listen to it when it comes out." A cheekier wink came from his eye and I smiled, looking down.

"I guess I can be patient." I decided. Than a question popped up in my head and I looked over to Calum.

"Why do you need to edit it anyways?"  Asked him. A smile came to his face when he was clicking around on some things.

"Yeah. The boys and I made this new deal a few days back. The one with the most parts in the song has to edit it. However.. because Luke is usually are lead singer, he can't edit shit all the time, so we decide to pitch in. But for this one, I'm the one singing the most parts so," He looked up at me and leaned into my lips, kissing them lightly. "I have to edit the lyric video." He said, whispering. His lips would graze my bottom lip when he he talked.

A shiver went down my spine and he smirked, sitting back in the place he was before. The smirk didn't falter until a few moments after. He knew that drove me crazy. It was a major turn-on for me and I guess he wanted it.

I heard him chuckle and I poked his cheek. "Yeah, no bappy. I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work." I replied. Another smile formed on his face.

"Oh yeah? Well than what am I trying to do than?" He asked me.  Another smirk plastered onto his face.

"You don't want to edit so you're trying to get me to push the laptop away and jump right on top of you. Calum, you've used this before I know you're ways. Again, it won't work." I said. A smile on my face. He put his hands up in defeat.

"Fine. You got me. But one of these days, it will work again. You remember last time." I tried to blink the memory away. There had been a lot of moans.. and a lot of... dirty words said. It had lasted the entire night up to 10:00 the next morning.

"You know Calum. Just edit the damned video." I told him, some puffs of laughter making their way out of my mouth. The smile on his face went down to his computer screen.

I leaned over to kiss him on the forehead. I ruffled his hair as I placed my eyes back on the screen. Cal's head was placed back down on my shoulder as he began to edit away. Peace was among us once more.

I liked spending time with my boyfriend.



Anyways I truly hoped you liked this Imagine! It took me a bit and than I was like, "Shy not have Calum be editing and you be there next to him! I've been trying to write more recently. I feel as if I didn't in 2019. But here I am! Love you guys! <3

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