Pietro Maximoff ~SOSchat~

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KaySOS has logged into the group chat

KaySOS~ omlllll! I'm dying!

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin has logged into the group chat

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ lol. Why u dying?

KaySOS~ Last night, Michael and I were watching all the Avengers movies!

Cliffoconda has logged into to the group chat

BodaciousBlondie has logged into the group chat

Cliffocanda~ Did you have a good time babygirl?

GigglyKangaroo has logged into the group chat

BodaciousBlondie~ And you didn't invite me?

KaySOS~ Not only did I have a good time! But I found a new love!

GigglyKangaroo~ Wait. Who's this new love of your babygirl?

KaySOS~ Take a guess!

Cliffocanda~ Let me guess...last night you didn't stop blabbering about Bucky's amazing eyes, so Barnes?

BodaciousBlondie~ If I were her, I'd be into....Peter Parker!

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ no no no! She's be more of a Captain America lady!

GigglyKangaroo~ no shush guys! I'm voting her in for Hawkeye himself!

KaySOS~ Actually, you're all wrong

Cliffocanda~ what? Then who is it?

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ The curiousity is coming to need! Tell ussss

KaySOS~ lol. Guys. It's Pietro Maximoff!

GigglyKangaroo~ What!? Pietro Maximoff!?!?

BodaciousBlondie~ why him?

KaySOS~ he's adorable! Just like, his and Wanda's backstory is heartbreaking, and how he'd do anything for his sister! Agh! He's such a sweetheart! And what he did for Clint in the end...I literally cried!

Cliffocanda~ no joke...she actually cried...and got a box of ice cream.

BodaciousBlondie~ Kays. He is a made up fictional character!

KaySOS~ that doesn't mean I still can't be in love!

Luke_Is_A_Penguin~ but...I thought you were in love with me?

GigglyKangaroo~ no Luke! She was with me. Watchu saying!

KaySOS~ nope. Pietro fixes a hole in my heart that none if ya'll could!

Cliffocanda~ I mean, I love the MCU so....tsk! I don't care. But I will win your heart back!

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ MCU? What does that mean?


KaySOS~ It stands for Marvel Cinamatic Universe! As I have been here since the 1st Iron Man movie! Longer than all of you dickheads!

GigglyKangaroo~ ha. Michael's pouting because you've been in that fandom longer than he has

Cliffocanda~ you know...I thought I was the only dork in the group...turns out I'm not.

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ holy shit! He actually shed a tear!

BodaciousBlondie~ I snapped a video of it! I'm posting it on Instagram!

KaySOS~ ha! I win that challenge Clifford!

Cliffocanda~ I best be glad I have a girlfriend because if Kays over here was mine, I'd be really hurt

KaySOS~ You have a girlfriend who puts up the middle finger to you...

Cliffocanda~ Well so do you!

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ that's true!

BodaciousBlondie~ Kays has at LEAST put up the middle finger to each of us over a thousand times!

KaySOS~ well. I don't really put up the middle finger to Ashton.

GigglyKangaroo~ yay! She loves meh!

Cliffocanda~ hold up. You have a girlfriend ashypoo

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ well you have a fiance Big Cliffo!

BodacioisBlondie~ are they really serious...you guys all have girlfriends!

GigglyKangaroo~ well...you and Kays don't..😏

KaySOS~ uh. Yes I do!

Cliffocanda~ what!? Who?

KaySOS~ I have Pietro!

BodaciousBlondie~ I thought she was gonna say me though :.(

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin~ Welp! I'm done! fuck this!

Luke_Is_Still_A_Penguin has logged off

GigglyKangaroo~ yeah. This has been enough for me!

GigglyKangaroo has logged off

Cliffocanda~ yeah. Sorry guys. But not sorry!

Cliffocanda has logged off

KaySOS~ Yeah. See ya later Cal!

KaySOS has logged off

BodaciousBlondie~ I actually thought it was me though...

BodaciousBlondie's message could not be sent

BodaciousBlondie has [Sadly] logged off

Hey guys! Sorry this took so long to make! I have another chapter coming out soon and yes, I have fallen in love with Pietro Maximoff. He and Wana are both amazing and j love them! I literally cried in 2015 when my baby boi, Pietro died. From 1st glance, I fell in love with the Speedster. I recently went back to watch all the movies and in the end of Winter Soldier (I believe) when they were talking about the twins, I saw my baby Pietro and I wanted to watch Age Of Ultron. I seriously miss Pietro and we NEED a movie on him and Wanda! They made a Black Panther movie and a new Spiderman movie, why not a Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch? I'll be waiting Marvel!

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