Ya Got Caught (Hailey X Michael)

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Mali unlocked the door and we walked inside. She sat me on the couch. "Do you need anything? Water, food, tea? Blankets, a body pillow?" She asked me. I looked up at her. "Why would I need a body pillow?" I asked her. She shrugged. "In case you need to cry within it. Or get a hug..." She said. I laughed a bit. "No. I'm fine." I told her.

"Great. I'm going to make you some tea! Be right back." She said to me. I nodded as she left. I sighed, looking around the room. I got my phone out, checking Twitter. I got a text from Michael.

Cliffocanda: bbg! I'm so sorry! Let me explain!

Cliffocanda: please. Answer me.

Cliffocanda: I'm on stage, sitting with Luke. Calum hasn't told them though..

Cliffocanda: Hailey. I love you...please!

Cliffocanda: I can't live within this world without you

Cliffocanda: I would never cheat! Please...

Cliffocanda: I wasn't cheating...I love you

Cliffocanda: I'll text again later...just...stay safe my love

I put the phone down, tears coming to my eyes again. But I held them back. It would be no use crying over something that had already been done. Mali walked in, and gave me the tea. "Ok. Hailey. I have planned a few things after kicking Michael's @$$. So, we're going to watch all the Scary Movie movies. (I love those so much 😂) Then we're gonna prank call someone saying something really stupid. Then we're gonna eat tubs of ice cream and cry because of how out lives suck and we need to make them better." She explained. I looked at her with wide eyes. She looked at me. "How does that sound?" She asked. I nodded. "Sounds amazing. Thanks Mali." I said, hugging her. She laughed, hugging me back.

"No if you'd excuse me. I shall be joining you're twin on beating up Michael. Have you seen my baseball bat anywhere?" She asked.

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