Covers to Tours (Hailey X Calum) P2

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(Hailey's POV)

I woke up, sun in my face. Thank God I was on break from college. A one month break to be exact. So, it was pretty cool. Thing is, I had no clue what to do within that one month. It's not like my family wanted to see me. They were always on a vacation somewhere. And they never told me where.

I sighed, getting up from my bed, heading over to the kitchen. I had a rather large kitchen. And to be more specific, a rather large house. But I shared it with a few people so, we all had to make our shares of payment. I ate something I'm before heading over to my laptop, checking he comments from my previous video.

My eyes widened at the sight I saw. It had reached about 150,000 views. My mouth opened and I checked the thousands of comments. But..the top comment, and the most likely comment was what had really surprised me.

Hey! So, I haven't gone through this with the boys yet. But I would like to take you on tour with us! You have a wonderful talent and I'd like to share it with the world! I hope you say yes! You seem like a wonderful woman! -Calum.T.Hood

My hand covered my mouth and I held back a squeal of excitement. I quickly commented back before I got to packing. This was going to be a fun, few months.

(Back to Calum's POV)

I woke up, notifications attacking my eardrums. I groaned before I slid through the amount of videos slides at me. But my eyes widened at a specific one.

Oh my gosh! I'd love to! It's such an honor! But, get it through with the boys first. I don't want to be an intruder on your tour. And my talent of singing isn't really THAT special. I just can do it well i guess... It's such an honor still and I can't wait! -Hailey

I smiled and thought of ways to get through with the boys. Then another idea struck me, as I smirked my way down through the hallway, to where the boys exactly were.

(4 days later)

(Hailey's POV)

I sighed nervously. I was literally on the doorstep of the boys's tour bus. And I was excited. As well as nervous. I didn't know what they'd think if me. I didn't know what they'd say about me. That's what always got me. I pushed hose thoughts away and I knocked on the door.

"Ashton! Go open it!" I heard Michael say from the back.

"No! You go open it ya lazy @$$!" Ashton yelled right back at Michael.

"No! I'm playing Fortnite! And in beating a guy's @$$!" Michael yelled louder.

"Luke! Get the door!" Ashton yelled to Luke. I heard muffling before Luke spoke.

"No! I'm eating you dingbats!" He yelled to them.

"Well put ya food down and get the door!" Ashton yelled.

"Well! What are you doing that's so important Irwin!? Huh?" Luke yelled to him.

"I'm taking a sh*t!" Ashton yelled back to him.

"I'm sure whoever is at the door, doesn't want to hear that!" Calum yelled. "I'll just go get it!" He said before he opened the door. As he saw me, his eyes widened.

"Uhm...Hailey! Hi!" He exclaimed. He hugged me. I hugged him back, laughing a bit. As well as surprised from the sudden hug.

"Oh! Hailey!" Luke said, putting his food down and hugging me. I smiled and hugged him.

"Hailey! Hello!" Michael yelled from the back room. I waved to him.

"Oh! Hailey! You're here!" Ashton yelled running out of the bathroom, his boxers on his lower legs. I closed my eyes quickly before I saw anything.

"Ashton geez! Pull your pants up!" I exclaimed, my eyes still closed. I heard movement and an ok from Calum to look. I opened my eyes.

"Oh! So NOW you put your food down!" Ashton said.

"Yeah! It's a guest! I thought it was like, the dominos guy or something!" He said, still chewing a piece of his taco. I laughed at his innocent face.

" ordered DOMINOES!!" Michael yelled excitedly, running in here. I laughed.

"I thought you had a Fortnite game?" I asked him, smirking ever so slightly. He smiled  at me.

"Hailey. Pizza is WAY better than Fortnite!" He exclaimed. I laughed as we all went into full on conversation.

(3 weeks later)

Being on tour with these boys so far, had been so fun! We went to interviews, we had breakfast together, we did concerts. But most importantly...I was with Calum. Calum was so nice to me throughout this thing. He was such a sweetheart and I honestly fell for him, HARD.

So hard. In fact, I'd end up having dreams on him at night. Mostly good ones. Which, I felt happy for. They were usually about him saving me or asking me out. Yeah...I Wish that happened in real life. But as well, I got to meet Luke's twin sister, Kay. She was super sweet as well as Lauren and Harry were. And Crystal. Definitely Crystal. They were all so sweet.

But, tonight was going to be special. Tonight I was planning to tell Calum I liked him. Thing that I didn't know how to. I didn't really know where, how, or when to tell him. I mean..I kinda knew when..but not the other 2. After a second, I decided that I should just straight up tell him.

I glanced at the time to realise that my thinking wasn't only a second..and that it lasted 2 it was now 6:15. I groaned. I stood up bravely and headed towards the back room. I was only Cal and I in the bus anyways. I was going to walk in but I stopped. I went back and forth like his before I held my breath and closed my eyes. I walked back there.

I opened my eyes and saw Calum on his phone. His brown eyes, looked up at me and he smiled, kindly. "Hey there Hailey. What's up?" He asked me.

"Nothing. I just...really need to get something off of my chest here." I told him. He nodded, putting his phone down and focusing all his attention on me. Which to be honest, I didn't really like in this situation. I sighed before speaking.

"IReallyReallyReallyLikeYouCalumAndIHopeYouDoTooOrThisWillBeVeryAwkwardAndI'llDie." I spoke, rather fast. He had a derpy face going on.

"Wait...what was that? You literally just spoke at the speed of light. So, would you repeat it please? And slower?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Ok...Calum. I really like you. Like, really! More than a friend. And...I hope you have those same feelings for me." I told him. He looked at me before smiling, genuinely. He placed his hand on mine.

"Hailey. I do share those feelings. Truly. The first time I saw you, my heart fluttered. I love you as well. Thing is...I have a girlfriend." He said.

My heart sank. The boy I had loved, had a girlfriend.

"Thing is. I'm kind of only dating her for fame. Well..not EXACTLY for fame. But enough for fame. I used to like her, and that's when I realised she had been cheating on me. I'm just going along with it now for the fame." He explained quickly. I sighed in relief.

"So...what now?" I asked him. He silenced me by a quick kiss. Not knowing how to react, I lightly pushed him away and ran out. I heard his footsteps behind me as I ran.

I ran for a bit, somehow making a circle and losing Calum. I gasped as I got to the tour bus. I his in my bunk for a bit before I became bored. Why did I push Calum away anyways? Was I scared! Was I confused! What was I feeling? My thoughts got pushed away before I thought of an idea. I had decided to make my own concert.

Yeah. That chapter was rather long XD. I don't really have anything to say lol

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