Baking Cookies ~Michael Clifford~ {2018}

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~Michael's POV~

Boredom. After Sky left that was my only emotion I was feeling. I just spun in my chair, checking my phone a few times. I groaned and laid my head over the arm rest. I made this disgusting snore sound and cringed at my own voice.  I sighed and closed my eyes for a second before they opened with excitement. I knew what I was going to do!

Why not surprise Kaya with something? I smiled at the thought and got up from the chair. I started walking around the house with my phone. I opened Google. I waited a second for it to load until I saw the different colored letters.

"What....are the Top 10 surprise your spouse with..?" I searched aloud. I was honestly feeling too lazy to type. Also, I hated the way Google lagged. If I pressed something, and it stayed on that too long, it would say something totally different! Mostly blamed it on autocorrect...but other than that. It was Google's fault.

I waited for it to load. It was a long 6, awkward seconds before it decided to. But once it did, I wasn't even focused on it. I was focused on if we had chewing gum. I bit my lip a second before squinting my eyes. I went down to text Kaya to ask if we did, when I saw the list.

"Oh yeah. DUH!" I told myself. I scrolled down. It went from Top 10, down to 1. I scrolled down to 1, ready for whatever hit me at the bottom. I got revealed with a long ass paragraph. I groaned and scrolled up a bit. In big bold letters, it said.

~BAKE HIM/HER SOMETHING FROM THE HEART~ the HELL do we bake something from the heart? What I'm I supposed to do? Pull my heart out and like, put it in the oven? What...did Liz make this or something? I tapped the back of my phone for a second before making a tsk sound. "Oh well...doesn't hurt to try." I said.

It wasn't until I walked into the kitchen that I felt lost. My eyes widened. I had NO clue where anything was placed. I clasped my hands together and looked around. Not realizing I still had a phone in my hand, I clasped that instead. "AH SHIT!" I yelled. I waved my hand around. "Damn...what is this phone made out off? Steel?" I asked.

I looked in the cabinets and drawers for a cookie platter. I lifted my head up. I actually had no clue where anything was in this kitchen. I only knew where things were in the fridge. I bit my lip before I got an idea. I brought up my phone again and called up Kaya's best friend Danny.

"What's up?" I heard Danny's voice on the other line. I sighed in relief and opened up a drawer.

"Hey uhm. Mate. You've been in Kaya's kitchen to help her bake 20 million times, uhm...where are the cookie platters? I can't seem to find them." I asked him. He was silent for a second.

"Dude. They're in the cabinet." He told me. I went to the cabinet. I didn't see them. I moved things around.

"I don't see them still. What do you mean they are in the cabinet." I told him. I heard a sigh on the other end.

"They're I the cabinet. There's only 2 cabinets bro!" He exclaimed. I looked in all the cabinets in the kitchen. Moving things, checking things.

"Uh, sure seems like only 2 to me! I just can't find them. Where are they?" I asked him. I could already see his famous eye roll.

"Dude! In the cabinet under the fridge!" He exclaimed. I opened the door thing underneath the fridge, revealing the cookie platters. I smiled and took them.

"Thanks Dan! Damn, these were impossible to find." I told him. I heard a scoff at the other end.

"Well maybe if you helped your fiance in the kitchen every one in a while, you'd k ow where everything was placed." He said. I shook my head and ended the call. Now, we had to get down to business.


This. Was. A. Bad. Idea. I had just popped the cookies in the oven and when I turned around, the kitchen was a mess. Not like, milk, chocolate chips. Dough, and such were everywhere....but they were. They were literally everywhere. Somehow, even on the ceiling. And that was right when I also heard the front door open.

"Michael! I'm home!" I heard an angelic voice ring throughout the house. My eyes widened. A bubble from my bubble gum popped and right then and there, I knew I was screwed. She'd find this mess in our kitchen and dump my ass for sure. I rubbed my face.

"Babe? Are you home? I saw your car up fro-" I saw her step into the kitchen, messing with a cuff on her shirt. "Oh?" She said, questionable. "Uhm, what happened here?" She asked me. I bit my mouth shut.

"Wow. This seems earthquake happened while I was gone." She joked, giggling in the sentence. I smiled slightly. She didn't seem mad, which was a good thing I guess.

"I was...making you something. And it somehow got everywhere. I don't know how, it just did." I replied. I scratched my neck. She nodded.

"Well, whatever you were making. It got on the ceiling." She laughed, pointing upwards. I looked up and nodded. "Well. We better get to it!" She said. I laughed and grabbed a broom.

~Timeskip brought to you by Luke's newest post on Instagram~

The kitchen was spotless. Finally. It took us about 3 hours to clean my mess up. I sighed and took a seat on the couch. Kaya took a seat next to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Hey...Mikey?" She asked. I looked down at her, a mere hm letting loose from my mouth. "Does something smell like it's burning to you?" She asked me. I stopped chewing the new piece of gum I put in my mouth. My eyes widened.

I stood up quickly running to the kitchen. I grabbed an oven mitt and opened the oven, pulling out the almost coal black cookies. I seethed my teeth together and set them on the counter. I took the mitt off and folded my arms. Kaya cared to join me.

"Well, I see that you made cookies." She said. I nodded slowly, closing my eyes and pressing my lips together. "Well, coaled cookies." She said. She picked one up, and it turned to dust in her fingers. She snorted and started laughing. I looked down at her, serious before I joined her.

"The burnt so hard they turned to dust!" She said. I laughed, nodding. "How about you have me to making the stuff huh?" She asked. I nodded again.

"Of course. And I'll watch you cook. Because I have no clue where half the things are.  I literally needed to call up Danny to find the cookie platters." I told her. She laughed ad kissed me.

"Next time. Make sure you don't set the house on fire. But thank you for thinking of me Michael. But for your sake, don't cook anything without someone's help." She told me. I nodded and opened my mouth. "And yes, they have to know how to cook. 2 people who don't know how to cook don't equal one person who knows how to cook. It just creates an even bigger chance for setting a house on fire." She finished off.

I smiled. "But what if we have 2 people who don't know how to cook..and have 1 person who does?" I asked her. She looked at me, giving me a smirking look.

"Well, you better listen to the one who does. And you better not be making something that the one that does know....doesn't know how to cook." She said. We laughed and I brought her closer to me.

"I love you..." I told her.

"I love you too, yah goofball." She replied before hiding her face in my shoulder.

Dang! This chapter took so long to make! I was like, ok we need to get a recipe, we need to do this! We need to do that! But it's finally done. FINALLY! I've been working on this chapter for so so long. Since we were at like....imagine 42 with this book! Not really. I'm just exaggerating. I've recently created this. I just have OCD when it comes to writing sometimes. I'm too afraid of adding too little detail, and adding too much of detail. But I'm working on it! Sorry that updated had been rather slow. I have a couple more ideas coming in though! I hope you enjoy this chapter though! I love you, yah goofballs!

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