Prego, No Prank (Calum X Hailey)

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I had a hate relationship with tour. The only reason I loved it was because I was with the boys. More specifically, Calum. My husband I married back last year. Before then, we had been dating since the age of 13. Pretty long for a relationship if I do say so myself.

Now, I had been hiding something from everyone for a bit. About 3 weeks. I had pregnant, thanks to Calum. But, I didn't mind it. I always wanted a child with Calum, I just never expected it to be this soon, at the age of 22, turning 23. I was planning though, on telling him today or tomorrow. I just didn't know how yet.

I slid off the bunk. A rather comfortable bunk that I didn't want to leave, but knew I had to. I couldn't lay there all day, I'd get cramps at least somewhere in my body. Also, it wouldn't really be healthy for the baby in my stomach.

I walked to the fridge that only held orange juice...and some rice. "Seriously? Who puts rice in a fridge with nothing else? What?" I asked myself. I closed the fridge and checked the cabinets. The only thing in the cabinets were granola bars. "Do these boys even eat?" I asked, taking the granola bars and eating some. I put the box back in the cabinet, going to the back room filled with couches. I sat down on one, taking out my phone. Where I decided to text the guys. Only to have 1 answer. That 1, was Ashton. Who ALWAYS answered no matter what.

Hailes: Do you guys even eat?

FieryAsh: uh wdym?

Hailes: The fridge only has little than half a bottle of orange juice, and rice. The cabinets literally only have a box of granola bars in it. Like...seriously.

FieryAsh: ok. Are you on your period?

Hailes: no.. I'm just really hungry

FieryAsh: Are you sure? I'll ask Calum to go get pads! Or condoms, whichever you prefer ;)

"If he wanted condoms...he should have used then over 3 weeks ago." I mumbled to myself, as I continued texting Ash.

Hailes: No, Ash. Im sure. I don't need either.

FieryAsh: gotcha. Anyways, are you going anywhere today?

Hailes: where would I go? I'm on a tour bus.

FieryAsh: oh. Yeah, psh I forgot. Haha

Hailes: dork 😂

FieryAsh: You mean, Dreamy, Oasis, Ravishing, Kangaroo?

Hailes: sure. Go ahead.

FieryAsh: Yay! I'm a kangaroo! Thanks Hailey! ^_^

Hailes: no problem Ash.

I got done with texting Ash before deciding to check Twitter.

(3 hours later)

Where were the guys? They would be back by now, getting ready for the show later on. I walked out to the countered area and looked out the window, and you wouldn't believe what was outside. I saw Calum, laying on the ground, blood all over him. I ran outside, hurriedly.

"Calum!? Calum!? Answer me babe! Calum, please!" I yelled. He just laid there, motionless. "Cal! Please! Please be there. Be alive!" I yelled, holding his hands. I got tears in my eyes as I started to speak. "I was going to have a child with you Calum. I'm pregnant with yours." I said, tears slowly moving down my face. That's when he opened my eyes.

"Wait..what?" He asked. I looked at him. "Calum!" I hugged him. He hugged me back. "You're an @$$!" I yelled at him. "You're pregnant?" He asked, shocked and ignoring my comment. I nodded. He hugged me lightly, picking me up and spinning me.

"I'm going to be a father! I'm going to be a dad! Oh my gosh!" He yelled excitedly. I laughed and he kissed me. "And you're going to be the most beautiful mother." He said. I laughed. That was easier than expected.

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