Peachy cal (SOSventures) (Chainvent)

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Hey! So, another chapter! Lol. So uh, I'm going to be writing a chapter on an amazing Cashton Stan, peachy Cal! She's a YouTuber who makes videos on 5sos and I love them! She's so funny and her videos are just, so so great! I'll leave he latest video up above! Now...I feel kinda terribly bad because I didn't as her before making his chapter...oops... But very thing I say in here, will be nice and rather good comments. Go subscribe to her, she's great! Thanks and enjoy!

I sighed, sitting in front of the camera. I folded my hands, and closed my eyes. I made sure to have a depressed face on. "Guys...I have for you. know the boys...the 5sos boys...right? know that tour that I had planned for the end of the year?" I asked. I started to fake cry, and I was surprised when a tear slipped on my face. "Well...the Chainsmokers...and the boys...they and I...we combined tours! Yes! We all came together and we thought of the idea that both of our tours should combine with each other! So yes, I'll be going on tour with The Chainsmokers and 5sos!" I yelled excitedly.

"Also, speaking of the Chainsmokers...boys! Get in here!" I said. They slowly opened the door, peeking heir heads in. "Is it safe?" Drew asked. I laughed and nodded. They walked in. Alex jumped on the couch I was sitting on. He landed in a pose. I smiled. "Ow." He said, smiling. I laughed.

"Are you ok?" I asked, laughing. He nodded, sitting the couch so Drew could sit down. "Welcome to my channel boys!" I said. They smiled. I grabbed my laptop and looked at them. "Okay, it's kinda weird. Usually I see the 4 boys here, it's usually a rather crowded space," I said. "I like it." I finished. Alex chuckled.

"It's like you're telling us how you're planning to get the boys off your videos." He said. I laughed. "Yes, boys we don't want you here anymore. I prefer Drew and Alex. It's much more spacious in here without you!" I said. Drew was trying so hard not to laugh.

"You heard it folks! Y/N L/N prefers me over Calum Hood!" Drew said, clapping his hands slowly. I smirked. They looked at me, wide eyed. "I think that a bad thing. I've seen your videos Y/N! That smirk is bad news!" Drew yelled. I typed up my password, clicking on YouTube.

"Speaking of Calum. Today we're checking out peachy cal's channel!" I exclaimed. Alex put a hand to his heart. "I thought it was going to be bad! Jeez!" He said, sighing in relief.

"Well, it's your first time on my channel! I wouldn't do that to you!" I said. I went back to my laptop, searching up the user. "But you'll be on this channel more than you'll soon get scary.." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Alex asked. I looked at him. "Huh?" I asked. "You said something." He replied. I gave a side look to the camera. "No. I don't think I did." I said, I hid my smile. He gave me the look all the guys have give me before. The, "I have an eye on you, L/N" look.

I smiled before scrolling through her channel. "Ok. Ok very peachy clean." I said. "(Editor Name), add an Ashton Irwin drum sound please." I said. The boys laughed at this. I smirked, glancing at the camera.

"Oh! A Who Do You Love reaction." I said, looking at the 2 boys beside me. They nodded. "Yeah, we'll start off with that, and then we'll go on." Drew said. I nodded, clicking on it.

We all of a sudden, got hit with a girl jumping out from the side. "It's here! It's here!" She said. I paused and smiled. "This girl has my taste in scaring people! I already love her!" I said. I played until she clasped her hands together and Alex yelled. I looked at him.

"She clapped! PewDiePie! Meme Review!" He said. Drew and I looked at each other. I put a hand up to high-five Alex. He did so and I smiled. "I have taught you well, Alex." I told him before playing the video.

"Why did I put myself through this pain? I don't know!" She said. I paused again. "Exactly! She gets me! She gets me! This girl gets me! Why do we both put ourselves through this pain?" I asked. I played again. "That's right! Cause it's 5sos and they own my soul!" She said. Drew paused it.

"Oh, before I forget. I need to mention that they own Y/N, Alex, and I's as well. Uh, we had to sell our souls to them on..what?" He asked. "LetGo!" I exclaimed. "Yes, through LetGo. It was the only way we could collaborate with them. They made us." He finished. I laughed.

Throughout the video, we made jokes, we laughed, but most of all. I felt as if I could relate to this girl. Like...dang. Was she my twin that was taken away from me at birth?

"Okay! That one is done...what next?" I asked. I scrolled down until I saw a video called, "The Start of Luke's Identity Crisis." I laughed. "Oh my Lord! I've seen these and they're so funny! You have to watch this one!" I exclaimed. I clicked on the video.

"So I received some evidence.." Alex read. "5sosfan26. In the video, 5sosalk Calum's little blip and one d stage strut 14-10-2014, Luke says idk who I am and all I could think about was your video lol." He read. "OMG!!" Drew yelled. I laughed.

"4 years ago," I read. "Did he just say..I don't know who I am anymore?" I read. It all of a sudden went to clips of Luke saying, "I don't know who I am." But..once it came to one...a sad music background was playing and it zoomed onto Luke's happy but sad face. I laughed so hard that I started crying.

The song, who am I started playing as it zoomed in on quiff Luke's face. "I really dog know at this point." Alex read. Then after he read that, illuminati symbols and music started playing.

"Does that mean his identity Crisis actually started 4 YEARS AGO!?" Drew yelled. Alex and I laughed again. Shane Dawson's conspiracy theory videos intro started playing. By this point, the guys and I were laughing messes.

We watched a few more before I shut my laptop. "Ok! Wow! Those were hilarious to me! I'm dying. She's so funny! She's also a Cashton shipper! Though I'm more of a Muke shipper not gonna lie, I feel like I can relate to her! Guys, I'ma leave her channel, and these lovely boys channel in the description below! Check them out. Subscribe-" Before I could finish that, I heard the door open.

We turned around to reveal Michael and Luke. "Wait a second..what's going on here?" Luke asked. I looked at Drew and Alex. "LUKE'S IDENTITY CRISIS!!" We yelled before we went into hiding. Even Michael joined in on it! By literally jumping out the window...

"Wait Michael! My gaming buddy!" Luke yelled before jumping out after him. I started laughing so hard. Calum's head poked out from a room. "Is everything ok?" He asked. I didn't answer, I only laughed.

"Luke! Your girlfriend is having a laugh attack!" Ashton yelled. Luke came climbing back through the window. Soaking wet with leaves and twigs in his hair. Turns out, he landed in the bushes, but tripped into my pool.

Once my laugh attack was over, and Luke was dried. All the boys came in the room and we ended the video. I looked at the boys and laughed. "Luke, how's that Identity Crisis treating you?" I asked. He gave me a confused look, starting to laugh.

"Best. Video. Ever. Recorded." Alex and Drew said at the same time, before we high-fived each other again.

"Seriously...what went on in here?" Michael asked, a confused look growing on his face.

"All I'm going to say, is that we made a lot of peachy jokes." I stated, before breaking into laughter again.

Another chapter said and done! Now I'm going to explain was Chainvent means. It means Chainsmokers event! I couldn't think of anything better. Lol, Alex, Drew, I'm sorry! So so so sorry buds. Anyways, I hope you lovelies enjoyed this! It took a while to honk of a good topic, but hey peachy cal made the part! So, I tha kher for being hilarious! Live and love you guys! Mwah!

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