Coachella ~Ashton and Calum~ {2019}

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If you watched the interview after Teeth was released...I think you'll get where I got this idea. Enjoy!


"Why are you two dinguses sitting in the back!?" I asked at Ashton and Cal. We were in Luke's car, on our way to Coachella. Michael decided he wanted to go alone last second, so I thought there would be more room in the back. Nope...these 2 Aussie's decided it would be cool if they followed me everywhere. And I had no escape. Sierra sat up from with Luke though, so...yeah. Couldn't go up there.

"You guys are assholes, you know that..right?" I asked as I tried to get myself comfortable between these 2 men.

"Sweetheart, we've known that. What are you talking about?" Ashton asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to create some more space.

Calum chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "We'll never leave you Y/N. Never." He replied. I groaned, trying so hard not to laugh.

"Y/N, you wanna go with Michael? He just texted me asking If you wanted to go with him." Luke asked. I lifted my head up

"Uh..yeah, sure." I said. The boys beside me groaned.

"Come on. Michael has hung out with Y/N every day since like...3rd grade! He's probably going to hog her the entire day." Calum pouted.

"Yeah. Can't we have time with her?" Ashton whined. I laughed and started unbuckling my seatbelt. The boys gripped onto me harder.

"I spend time with you guys too. We all know that. Here, let me deal you this. If you let me go with Michael, I'll spend the entire day with you guys. Deal?" I asked.

They were in thought for a moment. Calum ran a hair through his dyed blonde hair. "Deal." They said at the same time. I smiled and kissed the both of their cheeks. I climbed over Ashton's lap and exited the car. From behind me, I heard laughter coming from Luke. But why?

We waited for Michael to pull in and I opened the passenger seat door. I sat down in the front and Michael smiled at me. He opened the window and pointed for Luke to open his.
"Hey! I'm betting I'll beat you there!" Michael exclaimed. Luke laughed.

"I mean, you have a Tesla! I bet you will!" Sierra announced. Michael shrugged and closed his window.

"It's just us for a few hours. You ready?" He asked. I nodded and he pulled out. I did a quick wave to Ashton and Calum before they came out of my sight. I pulled out my phone.

"Ok! So we're on the way to Coachella! Michael's excited," I pointed the phone at Michael real quick and he laughed. "And I'm also exited. I've performed at Coachella before, but this is my first time actually enjoying it without worrying about song time! Ah! I'm so excited!" I yelled. I uploaded the video to instagram and huffed out a breath.

Michael laughed out and wrapped an arm around me. He pulled me closer to him in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away and he took out his phone, recording something.

I checked my phone, seeing a like from Cal and Ash. I tried calling them, only to see I didn't have enough service. I frowned and made another one.

"Ah! I can't call my boys. I don't have enough service! Ashton, Calum! Send me videos on here! I miss you guys!" I exclaimed. I entered in the video and not even 5 minutes later, Calum posted.

"Y/N! Why did you have to go? Ashton is telling us how puberty works and how you make babies! My innocent ears!" Luke yelled from the back.

"So, the mommy and daddy-" Ashton started and finished. He giggled and Calum laughed out. "Hey Y/N! I miss you! Come back to us!" Ashton yelled from beside Calum. I laughed and turned off my phone.

I commented that the video would last the entire ride and we began making videos back and forth. That's until we saw each other a half an hour later at a traffic light.

I made a non-human shriek and started recording. I reached out for Ashton as he began to take out his phone. He hit record and we began reaching for me. Calum on the other side tried climbing over Ash. I laughed. "My boys! My two loves!" I yelled.

"Is Michael treating you right in there!?" Luke yelled. I nodded.

"Yeah! It's going great!" I yelled back. As soon as Ashton's hand touched mine, the light turned green. Michael started driving. I frowned.

"Michael. How much longer is left?" I turned towards him.

"An hour or so." He replied. I nodded and laid my chin on his shoulder. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead. That was something he did a lot.


An hour later we pulled into Coachella. Right after I stepped out, I saw Ashton and Calum taking a bolt right for us. I ran straight to them, Ashton lifted me up, spinning. He set me down and I hugged Calum.

"It's only been an hour and a half. You guys have been apart for months." Michael replied. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Y/N! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Calum said excited. He tugged on my hand and I laughed. I followed after him and Ashton walked beside me.

We did whatever before entering the place. We waltzed inside and looked around. A few people looked at us and Ashton pulled me closer to him torso. I laughed and put my hand in his hair.

"It's been less than 3 minutes and we already lost the other 3." Calum giggled. I smiled and we made our way around the park. Finally, we came across the food court and Calum fist bumped the air.

"Anyone up for some hot dogs?" Ash asked. I raised my hand. Calum shook his head. "Too bad." Ashton replied.

As Ash and I were ordering some guy beside us eyes widened. We looked at him and smiled.

"Duuude." He said. Ashton pulled me to his chest again. "Who. Do. You. Love!" He exclaimed. I giggled out as this man dabbed. Ashton let go of me and smiled. The man looked at him confused. "Dude. Did you think I was going to steal your girlfriend? No way. I respect you man, you're lit." He said, hitting his chest.

I laughed and put my hand in Ash's hair. Calum just stood there eating his Fish Dog. Ashton looked down at me from my hand movements.

"Who Do You Love is a lit song man. Who's the singer? Or singers?" He asked.

"Uhm. This blondie named Calum Hood, My best friend Michael Clifford who is...somewhere, The Chainsmokers lead Drew Taggart, and another one of my best friends Luke Hemmings who is probably with his girlfriend and Michael." Ashton explained.

"Awh dude. You didn't sing? Wait...can you sing or...?" The guy asked.

Ashton was about to answer that question. "Yes! Yes he can! He totally can! He sounds like an angel! Literally an angel that fell from heaven! It's gorgeous!" Calum and I screamed. We kept on yelling positive remarks.
Ash just stood there, smiling like a dork. His arms snaked around my waist. "I get it. I get it. I sing like an angel. You remind me on the daily. You've literally reminded me since 2011." He said. I laughed and grabbed Calum, who yes, finished his Fish Dog, and pulled him into the hug.

"Well would you look at this dudes. That's adorable." The man said

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