Covid-19 ~Luke Hemmings~ {2020}

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Quick disclaimer! Yes! I do know that this isn't time for jokes! But just to say, Covid-19 is just as bad as the flu! Not any better, not worse! Like the flu, it will affect and kill people with weak immune systems. (diabetes, cancer, etc. etc.) Yes, I do say that a lot of people are dying, but 50,000 people die from the flu a year as well! But yes, I know it's a big deal in the media, but it will, and knowing the media, it WILL fall back. The majority of you will not, and hopefully not, get Covid-19 as long as you don't have a weak immune system. I can say that. It's mostly affecting older people of those generations and people with bad immune systems. So, in the words of Misha's Collins, wash your hands, and pick your nose if your finger is very, VERY sanitized. Thank you, and enjoy our Lukey Pukey.


"Hey, you got any toilet paper?" I asked Luke on the other line. He went silent for a second before answering.

"Y/N... are you shitting right now?" A giggle escaped his lips in the middle of his words. A smile crawled to my face.

"I don't know... because I've been sitting here without toilet paper this entire time. I think my shit is dry on my backside so i've been thinking I'm going to use the bathroom TV to wipe myself." I told him jokingly.

"Oh my gosh Y/N! You should have told me! I'll be right there!" Luke exclaimed. My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Luke I was just jok-" all of a sudden I saw P/N (Pet Name) running past, a piece of my cloth in their mouth.

"Hold on. Luke, I need to go. I'll chat with you later. Stay safe Hemmings!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! I'll chat in a bit Y/N!" He said on the other line before hanging up. I smiled but looked at my dog.

"Come on P/N? Please get that out of your mouth." I begged before getting off of the couch and walking towards them.


I sat on the couch watching some shows. Right now my favorite being on. It was a rerun of an episode but I was on my phone anyways.

Well... that's before I heard my doorbell ring like 52 times. I smiled and got up. Who was here? I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. Without hesitation, a screaming Luke Hemmings bursts in, toilet paper over his head.

"I AM THE TOILET PAPER JESUS AND I HAVE COME TO ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS!!" He screams at the top of his lungs. He runs straight into the bathroom and throws the toilet paper at the toilet.

"Luke! What the fuck?" I asked him. He looked around, confused, before finally turning towards me.

"Y/N! What did you use to wipe yourself? Did you not?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Luke. I was joking around! I have a closet full of toilet paper! I was literally a floating messiah in the Target, so the people chose to let me have some first...before someone dove into the toilet paper and it all went to shit." I explained to Luke. He made a tsk sound and sighed.

"Sorry for bursting in like that, than." He apologized. But you could tell an evil smirk was hidden behind it.

"Nah it's fine. Besides, now that you're here, you can stay and chat for a bit. Unless you need to be elsewhere. Than you may go." I told him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah. I'll stay for a bit. I have nothing better to do in life. Other than sit down, and watch the coronavirus be insane." He told me. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. People are making a big deal out of it. My sister literally has a month off of school and literally... so she has bad allergies and her Biology teacher literally took her out it of class because she was sneezing so much and asked if she had been to another state within a few days. My sister explained of her allergies and her Biology teacher hands her a huge bottle of hand sanitizer." I explained to Luke. Sort of using hand gestures. He crossed his arms.

"No way! Y/N! That's insane!" He replied. I nodded and looked to my couch.

"Oh yeah. Her school was definitely taking precautions. And now they're off for a month. Gives her quality time away from her crush and friends." I explained. Luke smiled.

"Oh yeah. I remember when we were in highschool. Oh lordie. It was bad, but somewhat fun. I remember dying inside, but living." Luke told me.

"Yeah.... dude what the hell did you just say? I was listening. But how could you be dead inside... but living? Wait, excuse me?" I asked him. A chuckle escaped from his lips.

"I don't know. I'm the King of Awkward Y/N... you should know this. I'm a bit offended!" He joked. Y/N smiled and shrugged it off.

"So... you wanna help me eat all this toilet paper?" I asked. A giant smirk came to his face as he reached in his pocket.

"I thought you'd never ask!" He exclaimed, grabbing a plastic fork from his left pocket. Y/N stared at it confusingly. I looked back up at him and looked starstuck.

"Luke... what the fuck?" I asked before he tore open his bag of toilet paper and sticker a huge piece in his mouth.


Guys. This is what has happened to me after I've been stuck in my house for 8 days. I think I am slowly going insane. Luke Hemmings would be sooo proud guys. Not of me... but just... oh lord help me

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