I didn't know what happened or what I did, but all I knew was that he was close enough to be punched in the face. Before Jaycee, or Blake, had the chance to process what happened, I kicked the gun out of his hand and twirl-kicked his face. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and was about to get back up again.

In that split second, Jaycee carried me on his back and yelled "now!". When we were both climbing down the tunnel, James and Alec threw what I assumed were fireworks -lots and lots of them- at the room and closed the tunnel entrance, locking it from our side.

"Run!" I heard them say. Since I was still on Jaycee's back, he was running with the both of us.

"Come on!" Yelled James. "The rest of them are waiting for us outside. You want me to carry her for you?" He asked, smirking at Jaycee.

I'm assuming Jay sent him daggers with his eyes because that smirk was wiped away faster than it came.

"Or not, your call mate." He shrugged as he lead the way down an extremely battered down alleyway.

"I can run on my own Jay." I said.

"It's fine. I got you." He smiles, and I hugged his neck.

It always feels like home whenever I'm with him and I hope I don't have to live in a world where he doesn't exist. He didn't have to come and rescue me, but he did anyways. He always has my back and I can't believe how lucky I am to have this angel by my side.

"Oh my God I love you." I whispered out, not sure if he heard it or not.

I'd probably never know because at that exact moment, things started popping at a distance and I guess that was Blakey boy getting roasted by all of that metal-melting fire. I think I also might've heard gunshots? I can't tell because of all the noise but I hate to be the person that ends up hurting people, but they've put me through enough trauma. They almost made me lose my parents, I'm about to lose my twin brother and any one of these boys who came for my rescue. How would I be able to live with myself? I can live with myself if they were the ones who got hurt because I absolutely loathe them!

Jaycee started slowing down and he let me off his back, while James and Alec were busy figuring out where everyone else went.

"They took this door Z." Said James, pretty hesitant himself.

"No pumpkin spice, they went through here." Replies Alec.

Pumpkin spice?

"No I said through here! I distinctly remember Gio saying it was the door to the right.

"No! He said turn left and stay left."

Jaycee just looked at me like he was about to pounce on these poor fellas.

"I said move past these doors to the end of the hallway then take the one on the right." Said a voice from the dark. Giovani stepped into the light, the look of utter frustration decorating his face. "I don't know how many times I'm supposed to tell you. Use your brains just once. Once is all I ask." Then turning to me, he added, "Come on Lexi, this way." He extended his arms for me to take but before I even had the chance to process what was going on, Jaycee swatted his hand away.

"She's perfectly capable of walking on her own thanks."

Giovanni looked between his hand and me, trying to make sense of this childish man-baby standing before us.

"Don't mind him, he's a little cranky because he's hungry." I interjected, glaring at Jaycee. Turning back to Giovanni I said, "Come on, let's go."

I could hear Jaycee audibly sigh but hey, he needs to stop treating people like he owns them.

As we started to make our way down the tunnel, Jaycee inserted himself - rather aggressively- between Giovanni and I.

"You never change don't you Herrera. You always want what you can't have."

What on earth is wrong with this guy?

"I apologize for his juvenile behavior, he didn't mean that." I say, causing him to wink in return.

"Yes I did." Replies Jay before I jabbed him in the ribs.

"Ow! Ok whatever." He replied, intertwining his fingers in mine.

How did he even manage to do that?

"Are you sure you still want this guy?" Chuckled Gio.

Looking at Jaycee - who by the way was glaring at him - I say "I do. I'll always want him. He's the love of my life." I whisper, causing him to look at me with the warmest eyes I've ever met. I could get lost in his gaze and drowning and wouldn't even know it.

"Wow. I guess that's game over for us then." Said Alec, looking a little defeated..?

"Ya, we never stood a chance anyways buddy." Comforted James, patting his back.

"Well, if he ever ruins your life, I'll be waiting for you." Said Giovanni, as he held a door open for us.

"You're really funny you know that?" Asked Jaycee fake laughing, putting his arms around me.

We finally met up with the rest of the team. They all went outside, except Jace, who was waiting for us.

"Oh my God I thought something happened to you!" Whispered Jace as he ran to hug me. He tucked his gun in his pants and ran towards me.

His hug had so much love and admiration in it that it literally took away all the hatred I ever had in my heart towards him. He's an absolute angel and I pray he gets out of this whole thing alive. He doesn't deserve any of this. He doesn't deserve his parents treating him like that and he doesn't deserve Jaycee treating him like that as well.

I hugged him back so tight I hope it at least healed part of the hurt he conceals in heart so well.

"Ok come one let's go." Said Giovanni from on top of the ladder.

Jaycee went up first and he left Jace looking after me as it was my turn to take the ladder.

"No!" I heard someone shout out.

What happened next, caught us all by surprise.

Jaycee jumped and caught me in his embrace, and at the same time someone fired their weapon.

I came falling on the ground; Jaycee on top of me.

James and Alec started randomly shooting.

I could hear Giovanni yelling at something from a distance.

Is my ear ringing?

My vision isn't perfect either.

Is that what happens when someone's in shock?

Is that what I'm in right now? Shock?

Whatever just happened, happened at a rate of three "what the hecks" per second.

I felt something warm.

I looked down at my hands and that's when I saw it.


Fresh blood.

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now