it was storming outside

Start from the beginning

Keith shrugged a second time. "How long will you have me?"

Which was how Keith found himself moving in the with the McClains. Temporarily, of course, but indefinitely. They had a cozy farmhouse with more than enough bedrooms, and Mrs. McClain set up a guest room all nice for Keith, complete with fresh sheets and blankets and everything. Despite that, he spent the majority of his nights in Lance's room.

It started out as an accident, and even then not entirely of his own volition. He'd spent the day helping out around the farm, always grateful for something laborious to pass the time, and even more thankful for the fact that Lance seemed to appreciate his company. After dinner and showers, Lance suggested they watch a movie on his laptop, and who was Keith to say no?

And when Lance fell asleep with his head pressed against Keith's shoulder... well, he was just being a good friend, wasn't he?

So it continued like that. Most nights they weren't watching movies, though. They were just talking. They'd start sitting up, Lance leaning against the pillows and Keith against the wall, but they'd shift more and more the longer they talked. By the end of the conversation, they'd be tucked under the covers, heads nearly sharing a pillow and voices as low as whispers.

They talked about everything under the stars. The long, long war and the effects it still had on them. The way Lance sprung to his feet in the mornings, already reaching for his paladin armor because of the sound of his alarm. The way Keith still woke up at god-awful-o'clock to train and keep his skills sharp, because even now, he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to. That he'd be in danger if he didn't. They talked about childhood and families, about the Galra and Keith's efforts with them. They talked about their friends, about how it'd hit them, suddenly, that they couldn't just walk down the hall and see them anymore.

They talked about the Castle of Lions. About the days before Atlas, before returning to a changed Earth. Days where they were alone, yes, but alone together. Lost and scared and determined and hopeful. Days where returning to Earth looked questionable and the war looked endless. Days that, despite it all... they missed.

Because things were simpler then. They woke up in the mornings, nothing to deal with but each other. They ate together and trained together and fought together. They bonded, because they had to, and then because they wanted to, because they weren't just friends - they were a family.

And God, thinking about it hurt. And it made Keith feel ungrateful, because he had so much now. His mother, for one thing. An entire universe safe from an unending threat, for another. But, as always, it was just the little things. All the minuscule little details that added up; all the minuscule little details that weren't around anymore.

Sometimes, they even talked about Allura. Usually it was happy, memories of her that they shared, ones that made them laugh and smile. But other times it drifted into darker territories, ones where Lance's lip would tremble, where his eyes would start to glisten in the moonlight shining through his window, and Keith would silently scoot closer, so he could hold him tight.

It wasn't a night like that when everything changed.

No, it was storming outside. Lighting flashing across the sky and thunder shaking the entire house. The rain sounded like a roar on the roof and Lance was grinning as he threw open his window.

"Ugh, Lance," Keith complained, scooting closer to the pillows. "Your bed's getting all wet."

"I don't care," Lance proclaimed, even though he definitely would care come morning when he pantleg was soaked from laying in a wet patch all night. "I'll never get used to the rain," he sighed happily.

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