Cristine really didn't want to indulge Troy, but she wanted to know why he always started these odd conversations with her. Were her actions as strange as he visualized them? She was just like everyone else. She had things that kept her going. People to protect even if it meant taking another's life or playing dirty. Cristine would do anything for her family and loved ones. "But you'd kill for them, right?" His eyebrows rose, a bit surprised by the question. Cristine continued, "kill to protect what's yours, no matter what." His eyes were shining as he gazed upon her, an undefined feeling of genuine awe on his mien. Cristine unwrapped a second dressing and added it on top of the first one. Blood already started to soak through the plaster, and she continued to apply pressure on the wound.

Troy caught himself gaping and slowly shut his mouth. A soft halfhearted laugh escaped, the short huff of air barely perceptible. The remark was left hanging, but there was no need to him to give his answer. It wasn't difficult to guess it. He'd give his life for his family and home. It was the most logical thing to do.

"Make sure to change the bandage three to four times a day. If the bleeding is excessive change it more often." The instructions were simple and Troy rose simultaneously when she stepped back, putting some distance between them.

"Got it." Troy tipped his chin down, his mind busy as his hands fumbled with the dispensable medical tools. Meanwhile, Cristine zipped her bag shut and slid the loop on one shoulder. When Cristine was ready she looked at Troy to say her goodbye, but paused at her silliness of thinking he would even care. Their gazes met anyway and she watched him struggle to voice his opinion. That struck her as strange, so she probed, "what?"

It seemed like he was glad to be asked so Troy could release his eager statement. "With Martha gone and you here for who knows how long, the Ranch could use an extra hand in the infirmary."

Cristine blinked at his unexpected offer and stayed silent as she watched him explain it as rationally as he could, "I'd rather you join the militia, but you're already taking up guard duty and we need more hands in here. You're the one with the mos experience and-" Troy scratched his throat and sucked in his lower lip. "You don't have to leave for the outpost after we deal with this nutjob." Troy extended his arm, the kit hovering in front of Cristine as he urged her to accept it and his offer. He hoped she'd accept his offer. Cristine her skills were more valuable here than at some outpost. Someone else could take that burden upon them.

Sighing, Cristine looked away and rubbed the back of her neck, "Would you be angry if I said that I still want to go after we deal with this asshole?"

"Why?" He sharply asked, eyes narrowing with both incredulity and annoyance. "Why did you want to leave in the first place?" Troy interrogated, tired of playing this cat and mouse game for once. At first, he figured Cristine needed time and space with everything that happened with Willy, so he and Jake vouched she man the outpost. Troy expected the woman to get sick of it and come back, but she didn't. And he wasn't going to beg her to come back. He had a militia to lead and the way Jake, Blake and Charlie talked about how happy and at peace she was there made Troy shake his with incredulity. He didn't realize Cristine ran away that easily. Never thought her that frail. It was clear she went to the outpost and stayed there cause she was running away from some things.

Cristine scoffed, "I'm fine where I am. I'm keeping an eye out for all of us. The community doesn't mind, why do you? I'm also not the only one with medical experience. We'll survive."

"Then why were you so hell ben to offer medical assistance for that Mexic-"

Cristine raised her palm, a scowl on her face, stopping Troy from finishing that bigoted statement. "Watch it." Feeling the early phase of a headache bubbling up with the flow of this conversation, Cristine pushed his hand back. How did their conversation keep turning to this? To nonsensical arguments? "You said you'd leave me tending to Luciana out of whatever issue it is you have with me. I'm not your toy soldier Troy and I don't have to explain myself to you... or anyone here for that matter. I'm helping us, looking out for us, cause I want to, so why are you so bitter about it?"

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