Whizzvin - Tight-Knit-Family

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Whizzers POV

Marvin and I were at him and Trina's house playing chess. Trina wasn't home at the moment. We had been alternating between me playing against him and Jason and then Marvin against Jason. I have lost a total of 3 games. One to Marv, and 2 to Jason. A fucking 12 year old is better at chess than me. I haven't won a single game. Currently I sit watching my lovely and all too smart boyfriend and Jason go head and head and it was like watching two people play tic-tac-toe. They're both too smart for this game.

"One of you just win already," I said out of boredom.

"This is not a simple game, Whizzer."

"Just make a fucking move already," I sighed, plopping down onto the floor.


"What now?"

"Jason is right here. You can't say that!" Marvin yelled.

"Okay sorry.." I said still laying on the ground. I was now just messing with Marvin's shoelace.

"Checkmate!" Jason screamed out of nowhere.

"Darn! You beat me!" Marvin said in a fake tone. He obviously let Jason win.

"Are we done with chess now? Can we do something else? Anything else?" I suggested.

"Well, Jason has baseball practice in an hour so we can't do much," Marvin answered.

"Well shit."

"Whizzer, I swear to god."


"No you're not," damnit. I could already smell a fight coming on.

"You cannot tell me my feelings. I'm sorry." I said, sitting up from the floor and rested my head on his thigh.

"I really don't wanna fight right now, Whizzer."

"You're the one who's arguing!"

"Whatever. Just shut up."

"Fine, Asshole." I said, standing up and going off to our room. I sat there on the bed before he came in shutting the door behind him after telling Jason to start getting ready for practice.

"What do you want?"

"I want to figure out what the hell is wrong that's making you act like this," he said, his tone less stern than it was before.

"Because, I don't know. You just were arguing with me and saying I was a liar, and I was telling the truth and it was really annoying."

"Whizzer, I'm sorry-"

"No you're not," I cut him off jokingly, mocking his words from earlier.

"You son of a bitch," he said a smile creeping onto his face. He pecked me on the lips and got up walking out. I followed behind him into the living room. I sat on the couch and he was making tea I'm the kitchen. After he was just waiting for the tea to soak, I gestured him to come sit with me. He obliged and sat next to me, tangling his hands in my hair, pulling lightly. A soft moan escaped my lips. His hand was still entangled in my hair as he kissed me, moving his free hand to my thigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he had changed positions to where he was now on top of me lightly grinding against me on my lap, our moans muffled from our mouths being connected.

"What the heck?" I heard Jason say from the hall. Marvin quickly got off of me.

"You saw nothing," Marvin said standing up from the couch.

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