Ch 2. First Day of School.

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Hey, guys..

I'm just saying I'm in love with the song Little Things. Okay?

How's everyone liking the story so far???

I really need a promotion or something. I need more people to read my stories :( *begging* PLEASE PROMOTE ME...

Oh well, enjoy the chapter cause it might be the second last... and yeah.



*Louise's POV*


I hear the alarm and drag my body out of bed. Ugh. Start of school. again. I go into the bathroom and splash my face and I'm fully awake. I walk into my bedroom and scroll through my iPod for a song to play. I end up playing Die Young by Ke$ha.

"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drum, oh what a shame that you came here with someone"

I check my timetable and I realise I have Double PE, Literature, Geography, Math and English. Math AND English. brb while I go in a hole and die, as much as I like English it can get boring. I go to my wardrobe and find something to wear. I don't know what to wear. Hm... I search through my wardrobe and I find this oversized checkered t-shirt, a white singlet and some skinny jeans. I pack my bag and grab a bowl and some cereal.

*Diane's POV*

I wake up and I check the time, 6:15 am. Perfect. No need for an alarm. I wake up and blast my speakers out. I look in my wardrobe and grab a bright, green, yellow, red jumper (which was in very thick stripes) which isn't too long and a pair of black leggings with leather on the sides. I also grab a pair of socks so I can wear my white and pastel blue high tops. I look outside the window and then I head into the shower.

*Karina's POV*

"KARINA. KARINA. KARINA. HURRY UP AND CHANGE SO WE CAN SEE DIANE AGAIN!" that noise is my brother and him jumping on the bed. "KARINA. WAKE UP" Eric shouts and that is it. I jump out of bed and tackle him. "You. better. not. do. that. again" I say and he nods scared, I let him go and he runs out of the room. I wake up and look inside my wardrobe. After who knows how long I get a lime green mickey mouse shirt, a beige jacket and some light washed jeans.

I put them on and run down the stairs, grabbing some black flats. I see my dad making eggs and bacon "yum. food" I say and just as I'm about to get my plate, Eric snatches it off me. "ERIC!" I yell and then my dad plates up another one, with more food on it. I win.

*Tory's POV*

"TORY, WAKE UP. YOU HAVE SCHOOL TODAY" My mum shouts and I groan I check the time, 7:15am. I want more sleep. hmph. I grumpily walk out of my bed and I grab a pair of green jeans, a thin, white jumper and a dog tag necklace. I walk down the stairs and grab a pair of socks and my black worn out Vans. I moodily say "Good morning, mum" and I grab a piece of bread.

"Morning, babe. Nice sleep?" My mum asks and I say "It would've been if I didn't wake up so early".

"Wake up early?? I gave you an extra fifteen minutes" my mum says and she packs my lunch.

"Yeah, fifteen minutes aren't enough" I say smiling.

*Katarina's POV*

"Sis, dad said you have to wake up" William says and knocking the door and I stay under the sheets for a little while longer. When I'm fully awake, I get up and open my drawers, I grab my (prepared) outfit, it was a black and white LOVE shirt and some lightwashed jeans. I grab my black jacket and walk down the stairs.

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