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@SpencersOrigami: Question for Tory! Do you really believe that Zayn would fall for a girl like Justine after you saw the way he looks at you?

Tory: Justine is so pretty though, yeah she's girly, yeah she's clingy but if it's looks Zayn wants. Looks he'll get. I just don't have it in that department.

Jennifer: I swear man, get a hold of yourself. *grabs Tory by the shoulders* You don't need him. Okay?

@SpencersOrigami: Question for Diane! What did it feel like to slap Harry? Will you ever regret it?

Diane: Well, at the time he deserved it so no. I will never regret it. It did kinda made me feel better too.

Karina: You did slap him hard though.

Diane: I REGRET NOTHING. Nah, actually I regret a lot.

@SpencersOrigami: Question for Louise! What was the worst Isabel ever did to you? Do you think you'll ever get her back?

Louise: Well what Isabel did to me, when she sent me to the nurse. That was the worst she ever did to me. I don't think I'll ever get her back, I won't stand down to her level.

Katarina: Exactly, that Isabel is a two faced, rumour spreading bi-

Louise: Don't say it. People will read this.

@SpencersOrigami What do you really see in Alexia? You really questioned her being your mystery girl. Do you truly in your heart believe you live with Alexia?

Harry: I just see this shy side of her and it facinates me, Alexia would be the last person I would of thought to be my mystery girl but when she proved it to me, I was just stunned. She's my mystery girl and I love her.

@thatgirlthere: This question is for Mr. Lintsen. Why do you ship your students? And are you "Stupid Cupid"?

A/N: I JUST HAD A LIGHTBULB. I JUST REALISED I MADE MR. LINTSEN A STUPID CUPID. but actually he's a smart cupid cause he put all his students in forever lasting relationships.

Mr. Lintsen: Well, I don't have someone to love in my life and I always want to see what it's like to be in love so... I pair my students up. They always thank me afterwards and I get invited to some of their weddings so I feel like I achieve more than just my job.

@KBelindaLara: Mr. Lintsen, just to let you know youre the best, wish u were my teahcer. Question, if Harry and Diane r arguing and Harry dates Alexia, do you still ship Diary (Diane and Harry)? And do you like Alexia?

Mr. Lintsen: You are too kind, my friend. You would be a lovely student. Well. Of course I would still "ship" them. What is this "ship" thingy anyway? I would "ship" them because anger is passionate so they still have the passion to fall in love. I don't like that Alexia girl, I always overhear her calling me some pedophile and it really hurts my feelings cause I am nothing like that.

@KatHoran_Meow: I'll ask Niall for a kiss :P AND A HORAN HUG! kk. bak to the characters. (he is a character tho) i just wanna say the shipper teacher is awesome. and i love kat, since she is seriously my twin O_o same name and personality. :O and tory and zayn NEED to get together or ima die. harry needs to get his priorities straight about how diane is the one. FINALLY LOUIS KISSED KARINA!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Louisse and Liam! JUST KISS HER ALREADY LIAM! lol, i'm like dying here. im seriously fangirling over this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A/N: I didn't know if you wanted the characters to hear your whole speech and all buttt (lol, butt) I thought it'd add some drama and thank you for fangirling over this story, it makes writing it worth it!

Niall: Here's a kiss *kisses you on the cheek*  and a HORAN HUG *massive hug which nearly makes you die cause you can't breathe*

Mr. Lintsen: What is all this "shipping" or "ship" thing about? Teenagers these days... but thank you.

Kat: What?! We should like totally meet!

Tory: I don't think that's going to happen soon. *crosses her arms across her chest*

Zayn: Took the words out of my mouth.

Harry: Diane isn't the one. I know it now. She's just some fake.

Karina: And so are you, Harry.  I KNOW HE FINALLY KISSED ME.

Louis: Here's another one. *kisses her on the lips and pulls away sweetly*

Liam: I wish I could you know. It's just like everytime I do, something happens and I lose my chance.


Hoped you like the answers even though only four people even asked me the questions. Next chapter's coming up and I have the whole plan written down and it's going to be.... dramatic.

hehe, Keira xx

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