Chapter 12: The Fundraiser Showcase

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*Author's Note*


I'm back from the writing dead!! Get ready for another chapter full of drama... in a good way, promise.

 I have another new character for you :D WOOOOOOO! MORE TO CELEBRATE WITH! Introducing the lovely Georgia Flenley @spencersorigami So, at the end tell me your thoughts about the new character. youbetterloveherthoughorelseimgoingtoslapyou.

For the performances I made it into a third person view so you guys could feel like you were sitting down watching it. Not being the character performing. So yeah, I hope you like it cause I suck at third person views.

I also have to talk to you guys about something... when life gets a little rougher.


1. Justine is Ashley Tisdale.

2. Isabel is Dakota Fanning

3. Alexia is Nikki Yanofsky (search this girl she's pretty)

Keira xx

PS: Short chapter, full of drama.


*Louis' POV*

I couldn't believe myself, I let her go like that. Karina did all the work and I just let her go. Why am I so scared? I'm supposed to be crazy, mischievous, reckless, daring. Why was I so scared? I have to make it up to her, I have to prove to her that she wasn't a mistake. Karina's been on my mind all day and it's Saturday. The fundraiser was on tonight and all I thought about was her.

"I was just so shocked, Harry. I didn't know what to do" I say, fixing my clothes.

"Well, if you don't want to lose her you have to do something big tonight" Harry replies, fixing his suit.

"I got an idea" I say and Harry pats my back. We head to the car and begin to head our way to the school.

*Diane's POV*

"I am so not ready for this" Louise says, fixing her makeup in the backstage mirrors.

"Yes, you are. No matter what, you have to be ready to take that stage and own it, and perform like it's your last performance" I say to Louise. I grab her by the shoulders and we take deep breaths together.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods.

"Let's check the crowd" Louise says. I check myself in the mirror and we hold hands to head outside.

We open the door which leads to the auditorium. Nearly every seat is full.

"Shit" Louise says and I nod like crazy in approval.

I look at the VIP seats and I freak out even more. Who is sitting there exactly? Holy shit. You have got to be kidding me. Shit. There's August, Simon Cowell and oh my god. Stevie Hoang. I love Stevie Hoang and August, without them I would have no underground R&B. My heart's racing and I'm about to die and I'm freaking out.

"Diane, Simon Cowell's here" Louise says, scared.

"STEVIE HOANG AND AUGUST ARE HERE" I say loudly and then pull Louise back to the dressing room.

"I can't breathe. I'm freaking out" I say and I start to pace.

"We can do this okay? We just need to focus on ourselves" Louise says and I stop pacing to breathe.

Browsing for Girls (A 1D Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora