She remembers clearly the day when the emperor gave it to her as if it was just an hour ago. It was day in the distant past, about a decade ago, when she was still a man and hasn't been afflicted by an evil woman's curse . . .

* * *


"Simon, my brother from another mother. . ."

"Don't let the priestess hear you say that," Simon chuckled, "You know how much she disapproves,"

The emperor let out a healthy laugh, "You are my brother no matter what, I don't care who approves or disapproves or what others say about you,"

"And I am truly honored. You and your family are the ones who treated me like your own flesh and blood since my mother's passing. I am more than thankful for that. You should know that you are the little brother I always wished I had,"

The emperor smiled at him.

Standing by an open balcony, looking over his ten-year old daughter beat the other archers who are mostly full grown men and women who are much more experienced in any combat, practicing their own aim in archery in the wide expanse of the imperial military training grounds, the emperor felt a great sense of pride. As well as a sense of gratitude towards the man watching over his daughter standing right next to him.

It was because of his teachings why the princess excelled in many things.

"Is this what you truly wanted, Simon?" he asked.

Simon knew it's going to be hard leaving behind the family that took him in. But this is something he must do. He must follow his heart otherwise he'll live the rest of his life in regret.

Besides, the emperor himself always advised him to do whatever feels right in his heart.

"I need to find her, Michael. You know what it's like to fall in love when you met your other half,"

"So, that's a yes then," the emperor sighed. He then pulled a book and presented it to Simon, "If you're leaving the realms of our empire, I'd like you to take this book with you,"

"Hmn, interesting . . . You did not take this from the glass case the priestess explicitly told never to touch now, did you?"

The emperor chuckled, "You know how much I don't listen to the priestess, she's too much of a traditionalist if you ask me. Anyway, I know how much you love reading. But the irony of giving you that book is that you can't read what's written in it,"

"So what's the point of giving this to me then?"

"Safekeeping. I trust you'll return home to us once you find your one true love and when you do, you'll give it back to my dear little blue fire over there," the emperor motioned his hand over towards his daughter, smiling bright and proud in the midst of the military trained archers surrounding her.

The emperor always refers to his only heir as little blue fire, a true born Jauregui meant for greatness.

Simon studied the leather bound book, and as he rifled through the pages that contained unfamiliar scribbles to him, flecks of blue embers came out of it. Then, complete recognition enlightened his face.

"This is the guide to the tree of life! Your family's heirloom!" He quietly hissed to the emperor in utter disbelief.

"I know you'll take care of it," the emperor clapped him on his shoulders before pulling him in a hug, "Safe travels my brother,"

And that was the last time he saw the man he grew up with, the great leader of a great empire, the brother Simon always longed to have . . .

* * *

Clutching on to the book, Simona couldn't help the surge of emotions attacking her chest at the moment.

Being in an old woman's body but still having the hormones of a young lady is quite a curse. Her former self would indeed never comprehend how it feels to be a woman, she wouldn't know how to handle herself if she has to go through pregnancy but luckily she never had to worry about that. And even if she didn't go through all that particular process, her respect to all of the female population still increased tenfold now that she has lived the life of a woman for a decade.

But the mood swings and cacophony of varying emotions attacking her all at once would be the least of her concern.

Because no matter how much time or distance has passed, she will always recognize those emerald eyes anywhere. No matter what happens, she will always know the princess underneath that ragged dark blue cloak, the heir to a great empire under the guise of weary traveller.

It's time for her to face the truth and find out what brought Princess Lauren, heir to the throne of the great empire of Arcadia, so far from home . . .

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