43 ~ Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"I hate seeing you like this, you are the most amazing mother and the best girlfriend to Michael...you know how much it must be killing him to leave you alone." She raised her eyebrows, the two of us knowing exactly how hard he would have found it.

I tried to control my breathing but the tears wouldn't stop, Janet tightening her grip around me letting me cry into her arms. I truly felt pathetic and sorry that Janet had to deal with me but everything has happened so quickly.

"You know Alissa." Janet whispered, moving her arms away so I could sit up to face her, my face definitely puffy and tear stained. "When me and Michael were younger he always told me he was going to find the love of his life or as he'd sometimes say "princess" and always put her first before his needs. I honestly think he's found that in you." She held my hands as she continued. "I've never seen him so happy in my life and trust me when I tell you that you mean more to him than anything...even the way he looks at you, his eyes light up...it's truly magical."

I felt a small smile tugging at my lips finally, the tears continued to fall but this time for a better reason. "I know how much he loves me."

"See that's the best part!" She exclaimed, giggling. "I can tell you love him just as much and that must be the best feeling in the world and to now have two little babies that represent your love."

"I love him so much it hurts, I don't ever want to leave his side." I sniffed, my face hot and tear stained, my body feeling emotionally exhausted.

"Janet I-" My head snapped up as you heard the sound of the large wooden door clicking open, Janet's eyes widening. "Why is he home so early...shit." You hissed, desperately rubbing at your face that was definitely a mess from your endless crying.

"Alissa? Janet?" You heard him call followed by footsteps as he entered the room. You couldn't look over at him, he would definitely know you had been crying. "I couldn't do it, I came home as soon as I had the chance and I..."

His face appeared in front of you, his features immediately darkening as he saw your face. "Alissa what happened baby?"

I looked over at Janet, not knowing what I should say, but she just sat chewing her lip, trying to avoid eye contact. "I think you need to tell him."

"Shit! Tell me what? What is it Alissa are you hurt!?"

"No Michael!" I snapped, trying to cut off his desperate rambling instead it came out more as an angry shout, causing my eyes to well up once again...I really was a mess.

"Then what is it?! You're scaring me!" He pressed, taking my hands in his only for me to pull away and groan.

"You're so selfish for going back to work and leaving me alone Michael!" I spat, rather a lot more harshly than I had intended. My eyes unable to meet his as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Fuck...Alissa darling, I know I know I'm such an idiot." He groaned, his body shuffling close to mine so he could pull my shaky frame into the warmth of his own body. My head resting on his chest allowing me to feel his heartbeat instantly soothing my mood. "I'm not going to leave you alone again I promise, not if you can't handle it."

"Michael." Janet spoke, "You can't deny Alissa's an amazing mother."

"What? I know! I know how well she treats our babies, I've never seen them more calm in anyone's arms but hers."

I smiled at his words, it was true I never knew I would feel such a close bond to them and I'm guessing they felt it too.

"Are you feeling better baby?" He spoke, kissing the top of my head before pulling my body in tighter to his, his hand running up my arm.

"Yeah..." I whispered, the feeling of Michael next to me always managed to make me feel better. But I still couldn't shake the unusual feeling of being a parent, which of course I'd have to get used to.

I caught a small glimpse of Janet smiling at the two of us happily, her small dimples visible before my eyelids began to grow heavy.

Michael's POV

I cradled Alissa tightly to my body as she fell asleep in my arms, my fingers running through her hair.

I had doubts about going back to work so early but I never knew she would take it this badly, the feeling of guilt still very present in my gut.

I glanced over to the twins who were still sleeping softly, their tiny hands brushing over each other making my heart melt.

"Michael." Janet spoke quietly, my eyes drawing away from the twins to her, her eyes slightly pained as she frowned over at me.

"What is it?" My voice breaking slightly, the familiar feeling of nervousness filling me once again.

"I need to speak to you." She said seriously, before she stood up and stretched her legs, a frown still set in the middle of her forehead.

I gently placed Alissa down onto the sofa, placing a pillow behind her head before kissing it gently so not to wake her.

I eagerly followed Janet out of the room, her frown even deeper as she turned to face me. "Michael I didn't want to tell you infront of Alissa..."

"What? What do you mean? Anything you can tell me you can tell Alissa..."

"No Michael." She cut me off, her face serious as she ran her hand over her head. "Mother said Joseph is visiting from Gary."

I cringed as she said his name, panic immediately rising in me as I pictured him in my house and with my babies. "Well he's not fucking coming here." I whispered through clenched teeth, her distress just as evident as mine.

"But that's the thing...he wanted to visit to meet the twins and Alissa." She spoke even quieter, her eyes breaking contact as she stared down at her shoes.

"When!? How long have you known?"  I continued, my hands clenching in fists as they began to sweat.

"That's the thing..." She paused, chewing the side of her lip. "He's coming tommorrow."

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