24 ~ Truth Tea

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Twins. Fucking twins. That's 2 human beings.


As soon as I told my parents last week, much to mums dislike, we all agreed that it's probably best for everyone, including the twins, that I move in with Michael. Which honestly is the best idea my family has ever agreed on. I don't think mum wanted me in the house for one more second anyway, especially not with Michael.

For the past week Michael's treated me like I'm made of China and has been ecstatic that I'm living with him, insisting he makes me pancakes every morning. In the past few days he has also made it a habit to drive us both into school and makes sure that I get out of the car exactly 2 minutes before he does.

"Right baby are you okay?" He asked for the millionth time this morning as he leant over to press his lips to mine, his hand finding its way to the back of my neck so he could see my face clearer.

"Yes Michael I promise I'm fine!" I giggled against his mouth as he twirled the ends of my hair in his fingers, his eyes narrowing in on my face.

"Do you need help to get out the car?"

"Michael!" I laughed, swatting his hand away playfully causing his beautiful smile to return. "You can't even tell I'm pregnant I don't need help getting out the car yet baby."

"Okay okay Alissa!" He spoke, jokingly shooting me a death glare. "I'll pick you up here after school okay?" He kissed my lips one more time before I nodded, picking up my bag and started to exit the car.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I called over my shoulder, blowing a kiss through the window making him smirk.

I don't think I'll ever get over the way he says those words. Every time it makes my whole body light up, which is one of the best feelings I've ever experienced.

The normal buzz of children rushed through the corridor as I walked to my locker. I was about to open it but a hand on my shoulder made me lurch foward and almost fall over as I slammed it shut.

"Maya! Fucking hell you scared me!" I laughed at her as I turned around to face her, but her and Sam didn't reply, instead just turned to look at eachother. Great what is it now.

"What is it?" I asked uncertain, they're emotionless faces staring at me intently making me bite down on the corner of my lip nervously.

"Come with us." Sam finally spoke after what seemed like a staring competition and grabbed my hand, leading the three of us through the busy corridor and into the toilets. She immediately locked the door behind us and the two of them stared at me again crossing their arms over their chest.


"Alissa look we're your best friends and you don't have to to answer to anything if you don't want to." Maya explained, their eyes glowing with sympathy as I shuffled awkwardly, fiddling with the sleeves of my jumper.

"Okay what is it?"

"Look girl we know you haven't put on weight because you've eaten too much chocolate." Maya stated causing the three of us to giggle slightly.

I debated for a moment in my head whether I should tell them. I looked back upto their faces to be met with their intense eyes burning a hole through my head.

"Okay okay no that's not why..." I trailed off unable to get the words out of my mouth, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You're pregnant arn't you."

Thankfully Sam said taking the words from my mouth as they both stood in front of me waiting for my reply. I nodded my head slowly, immediately causing the both of them to run at me and bring me into a hug.

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