3 ~ A Lesson Learnt

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The sun bore down of my head, melting my face like an ice cream. "Fuck it's hot." I whined leaning my head back against the grass next to Sam and Maya.

"Yeah no shit Alissa." Sam laughed nudging my arm making me push her back harder, causing us both to giggle.

"Girls!" A croaky voice called making the three of us shoot up and stare at the source. Mr fucking Bird, such a creep. "You should be getting ready for the sport of your choice girls that's why it's called sports day." He stated bluntly bringing two fingers up to quote the words 'sport day'. Fucking dickhead.

"Yes sir we were on our way." Sam mockingly replied helping us up and pulling us past him to the rest of the students. I pulled down my skort that had ridden up my legs. Why the fuck they allow us to wear these I will never know.

I found myself scanning the sea of students and teachers for Mr. Jackson.

Why? I don't know but I couldn't stop picturing his perfectly chiseled face and his beautiful tight curls that softly hang over his eyes.

Even thinking about him made my skin sting intensely again. I can't believe he actually spanked me with a ruler, but most importantly I can't believe I enjoyed it. I kind of wish he had done more now.

Right Alissa shut up.

"Earth to Alissa." Sam was clapping her hands in front of my face making me screw my nose up and pull away. "Girl Mr. Jackson hasn't stopped looking this way the whole time."

"Where!" I reply too quickly making her laugh at my desperate nature before nodding her head to the side of the field. I follow her gaze and see his black suit fitting perfectly to his body and his curls were tied into a small bun, a few were escaping around his blacked out sunglasses. I couldn't be certain he was looking at me but damn he looked sexy the way he was running his thumb along his bottom lip.

"Okay girl, enough admiring." Sam giggled pulling mine and Maya's arm and leading us towards the volleyball court that happened to be next to where Mr. Jackson was standing. How convenient.

"Right girls! Into your teams hurry hurry!!" Mr. Bird's shrill voice making me shudder, how the fuck is this man allowed to teach?!

I jog over to the rest of my team mates as we begin to discuss the game, whose playing which posistion, tactics blah blah, I couldn't care less! I hated volleyball I'd rather be stuck in a 6 hours detention alone with Mr. Bird...well actually perhaps not.

In all honesty my attention was solely focused on Mr. Jackson. Suprise Suprise! but seriously he looked incredible I'd never seen someone dress so impeccably, so stylishly, I'd never seen anyone like him full stop! This man was in the wrong profession that's for sure.

"ALISSA! Snap out of it! We're about to start." Sam clicking her fingers at me pushing me onto the court alongside herself and Maya.

The whistle sounds signalling the begining of the match, the ball being propelled towards me causing me to leap up hitting it back over the net with my now incredibly sore palm...the pain similar to that administered to my ass by Mr. Jackson only last night. I felt my lips curl into a small smile at the thought.

As the game continued I couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Mr. Jackson still very much glued to the same spot he had been stood from the start. Right in front of me.

His hands were tucked away in his pocket and although I couldn't see his big brown orbs today I had a suspicious feeling they were still very much focused on me making me blush. My heartbeat quickening as a sudden tidal wave of nerves washed over me.

I was snapped out of my trance as the ball once again came hurling towards me. I manged to react just in time whacking the ball over the net and right past the opposition, I followed its movement as it rolled along the ground only to land right by a certain someone's feet. Perfect.

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