28 ~ Who is it?

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Michael's POV

I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably as I watched Alissa sat behind her desk cradling our babies, a sight I had realised I loved just as much as her.

The twins had been getting bigger recently, so I've made sure to keep Alissa in my sight at all times and care for her and love her unconditionally, which certainly wasn't hard to do.

I watched as her and Maya sat side by side giggling about something, clearly not doing the work but I honestly didn't care anymore. She, and the twins, were truthfully the best things that have ever happened to me and I will guard them with my life. She caught my eye for a second and immediately looked away blushing, making my heart melt further at her cuteness.

"Sir." I heard someone call, ignoring them for a second as I was unable to pull my eyes away from Alissa's beauty, she really did have me in a trance.


I looked up to the source of the noise and saw Jamie waving his arms dramatically from the back of he room trying to catch my attention, causing everyone to laugh.

"What is it Jamie?" I sighed slightly and crossed my arms over my chest as I narrowed my eyes in on him, causing him to frown deeply at me.

"There's somone at the door sir."

"How do you know?" I asked, assuming he was just trying to get the teacher out of the room so he could do whatever it is he had planned.

"Because sir, while you were off in a daydream somone was knocking."

The room erupted with laughter once again making me tense my jaw in annoyance, but I relaxed as I saw Alissa giggling lightly, obviously aware of what my daydream consisted of.

"Alright! Please carry on with your work." I spoke absentmindedly, rolling my eyes as the the classroom fell back into silence, only a few small sniffles and coughs breaking the air.

I walked over to the door and opened it, my heart immediately dropping out of my chest before my jaw swung open and practically touched the floor.



Alissa's POV

My eyes snapped up at Michael's words, my chest immediately tightening as I watched him open and close his mouth, staring at the women who had been knocking at the door urgently.

Susie!? The same Susie that had left him? The same Susie that even saying her name had made him annoyed!?

I glared at her in anger, her face already irritating me. Her nose slightly scrunched up as she stared at Michael expectantly, her bright blue eyes rolling to the back of her head as he stood motionless. I scanned my attention around the room to see everyone was staring at the two of them, confused as to who this women was and why she was in the classroom.

"Who's that?" Maya whispered to me, her brows furrowed as she brought her attention back and forth between me and her.


"Susie!?" Michael spoke again, taking the words out of my mouth, everyone growing more silent as he composed himself clearing his throat, the side of his jaw tensing making me nervous. "What are you doing here?"

Michael's voice sounded slightly strained in the silent room, his tone making me feel like crying as I watched him zone out from the world, his eyes frantically scanning over his face.

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